Heart Attack: Why the problems of heart attack are increasing in youth, do not ignore these symptoms. 1 News Track English

Heart AttackIn today’s modern era, man keeps trying to show himself as different and achieve success. In this digital age, there is a desire to get everything quickly inside the youth. This desire also proves fatal for some people. At present, heart problems are increasing more among the youth. For the last few years, it is also being seen that due to heart attack, deaths are happening at an early age. At the same time, heart problems are increasing in people who have won the battle with the corona virus. In this regard, ‘Newstrack’ spoke to Dr. Bhuwan Chandra Tiwari, Head of the Department of Cardiology Department of the Lohia Institute (Dr RML Institute of Medical Sciences) and Heart Specialist. Who told the main reason for this is the changed lifestyle of the youth.
Heart specialist Dr. Bhuvan Chandra Tiwari (file photo)
Heart problems increasing in youth due to these reasons
‘newstrack’ In a conversation with the well-known cardiologist Dr. Bhuvan Chandra Tiwari said that the lifestyle of the younger generation is bad. The steroids and protein powders that he uses to build his muscles prove to be fatal for him. He said that the reason for the increase in heart attacks among the youth is their poor lifestyle. Today’s young generation lives long. Due to this I am not able to get up on time in the morning. Due to which he is neither able to exercise nor walk in the morning. So the young generation is completely dependent on fast food and junk food. At the same time, this generation consumes excessive smoking and alcohol. Because of this, heart problems are also increasing.
symbolic picture
Heart attack happens even by going to the gym
Heart specialist Dr. Bhuvan Chandra Tiwari told that due to excessive gym, the problem of heart attack also arises due to the use of protein powder and steroids. He said, “The younger generation spends more time in the gym. They also take excessive protein, food supplements and steroids to build their muscles, but they do not pay attention to how accurate they are. At the same time, some people have two or two. Spent hours in gym. Don’t even drink water. Due to which heart attack also comes.
cause of heart attack
• Bad lifestyle.
• Not exercising.
• Eating fast-food and junk food.
• Smoking and alcohol consumption.
• Taking too much protein and steroids.
• Taking medicines to make muscles.
• Do not drink water while doing gym.
• Doing more gym.
heart attack symptoms
• Chest pain.
• Heaviness in chest.
• Sudden sweating.
• Discomfort around or in the middle of the chest.
• respiratory distress.
• Giggle.
• Vomiting with headache.
• Pain in the upper part of the body such as the arms, back, neck, shoulders and abdomen.
• Uncontrollable heartbeat.
• Swelling in the hands or heels.
• Pain in teeth and jaw.
• persistent cough.
these are the solutions
Dr. Bhuvan Chandra Tiwari said, “To keep the heart healthy, first of all smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped. Avoid eating junk foods. Also green vegetables and seasonal fruits should be eaten. Vitamin A, C, potassium, Magnesium and other important nutrients are beneficial for the heart.”