Now get out of the illusion!

Now is the time when the eyes of the rich countries opened. As the world gears up for the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change, it has come to the fore that global warming has caused the hottest climate in Europe.
If rich countries were under the illusion that their prosperity and systemic prowess would save them from the brunt of climate change, their eyes should now be opened. As the world gears up for the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change, it has come to the fore that global warming has caused the hottest climate in Europe. It is clear that sooner or later everyone will be hit by climate change. The latest report has been released by the non-governmental organization- World Meteorological Institute (WMO). According to him, in the past 30 years, Europe has warmed almost twice as fast as compared to other landmass of the Earth. According to the report, Europe is also facing severe drought due to this heat and is also rapidly losing glaciers of the Alps. This heat is also heating the Mediterranean Sea.
Europe is presenting a live picture of a warming world, showing that even well-prepared societies are not immune to extreme weather events. Significantly, between 1991 and 2021, the average temperature of Europe increased by 0.5 °C every decade. During the same time period, the rest of the world’s temperature rose by an average of 0.2 °C every ten years. In 2021, due to climate change, there were so many weather disasters in Europe that there was a loss of $ 50 billion. The latest report has said that most of the area of ​​Europe is made up of sub-Arctic and Arctic regions. Because of this, fewer clouds are hovering over Europe in the summer, due to which the direct rays of the sun reach the surface and create heat. Some scientists are calling Europe the “hotspot of the heatweb”. From November 6, the World Climate Conference COP-27 is starting in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. If rich countries have lost their eyes, then their leaders can take some such decisions there, which will prevent the rise in the temperature of the earth. If such steps are taken, then the whole world will be safe.