
Google Classroom will work offline, Google has announced many more features

Google New Feature: Google is focusing on people of all age groups in India. The company is focused on providing maximum and best facilities to everyone on its platform. In this episode, Google on Thursday announced some features keeping in mind the youth, especially the students. During the seventh edition of its annual event Google for India, the company gave information about these features. It had 2 important features like Google Classroom Offline and Google Career Certificates. Let us know in detail what is special in them.

1. Classroom offline: Keeping the students in mind, this feature has a lot to offer. After the new feature, it will now be possible to work offline on the classroom. Students will be able to download assignments, submit offline work, notebooks and photos as homework from here. Not only this, teachers will also be able to review offline assignments, give their feedback. About this feature, Google India Marketing Vice President Sapna Chadha said that under this new feature, students will be able to download and keep the study material once they are online. After this, they will not need to be online to use it. He can use it offline whenever he wants.

2. Google Career Certificates: This feature has been brought keeping in mind the job seekers. Under this, the applicant will get training in project management, data analytics, IT automation, IT support and many other professionally popular courses and will be given a career certificate. Google is working closely with Coursera to execute this project. Google says that this feature will be of great help to businesses and those who want to do jobs.

3. Weather Alerts : Google has also veiled this feature. The company says that we will send alerts on mobile to our users during bad weather. For this, the company has partnered with IMD.

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