Get a job like this during recession, before your company lays off, know 5 golden ways to find a new job

From small startups to big tech companies, they are firing their employees without any fault. Experts are calling it the effect of recession. It has a long list of companies from other fields like Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Microsoft, Ola and BYJU’S. In such a situation, when a person loses his job, then it becomes very important for him to look for a new job. Today we will tell you 5 golden ways to help you find a new job, which are proving to be effective even in this recession.
1. It is important to find the right source
To get a good job, first of all your way of finding a job should be right. If you keep sending mail to companies in an unprofessional way or sending resumes to head hunters or searching for job vacancies on the internet then your chances of getting a job will be very less. Networking is the best process to find a job, but it should not start when you have lost your job, but you should keep networking already. Referral benefits are available in many companies. Therefore, the more you stay connected with your friends and old office mates, your chances of getting a new job will increase. You will also benefit from being in touch with job recruiters and hiring managers.
2. There should be no difference between your skill and job requirement
In a hurry to get a job, most of the candidates also apply for such jobs, which do not come within the scope of their skill. At the same time, they also do not see whether their abilities will be used properly in the company in which they are applying or not. Most of recruiters are entrusted with the responsibility of the companies to select the candidate with specific specialty, experience and skills according to the requirement of the company. So if you clearly state in your resume what are your skills and what kind of job you are interested in, then your chances of getting selected for the job matching your skill will increase.
3. Don’t Make Mistakes on Resume
Most recruiters don’t spend more than 30 seconds on a resume. According to a study, this time can be as short as 7 seconds. In such a situation, you have to keep in mind that your resume should contain only useful things and the resume should be attractive and reliable. It is very important that there is no mistake in your resume because this is a big reason for the rejection of your resume. Take care of spelling, grammar and typing. Also write a good cover letter along with the resume and keep in mind that the cover letter should be such that it does not mention any particular company or institution.
4. Not following up with the company or taking too many follow ups
Your next step after sending a resume should be to get a follow-up of your application from the company or recruiter. In this it is important to understand that after how many days you should call the recruiter. Many people start calling recruiters for follow ups the very next day after sending their resumes. If you have also given your resume to any recruiter, then call the recruiter after at least a week. An even better option would be to follow up with the recruiter by sending a message or via e-mail. Recruiters take a week for senior level positions, whereas for junior level jobs, recruiters can take up to 15 days to respond. In such a situation, if you put pressure on the recruiter, then your position will be bad.
5. Mistakes in the Interview
The process of selection for a job often starts with a phone interview. In such a situation, keep in mind that you do not get busy during the interview. Never put the interviewer’s call on hold to pick up another call. If the interviewer had not fixed the interview time in advance, then you can ask them to fix the time according to your convenience. The calmer you remain during the interview, the better your interview will go. Preparing before the interview reduces the chances of making a mistake. Also, don’t hold back from asking the questions you have in your mind. Take care of your dress, body language and colloquialism in the personal interview. It can make or break your impression. Remember, don’t forget to give thanks in the last.