Shares of this unknown company have increased the wealth of investors manifold, know about it

Multibagger Stock Tips: It is not necessary that only big companies do wonders in the stock market. This has happened many times when small companies have made investors rich. Today we are going to tell you about one such small company. Before this, know that there has been a continuous bullish atmosphere in the stock market for the last 18 months. Investors are benefiting a lot from this fast. The reason for this boom is not only big but also small companies.
One such company is Raghav Productivity Enhancers Ltd. The performance of this company in the last five years has been tremendous. Since its registration in the market, it has given returns of more than 2800% to the investors. This means that investors who would have invested five lakhs in this company five years ago would have become millionaires today.
The excellent performance of this company is the reason due to which the stock market veteran Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is going to invest Rs 31 crore in this company. Know how this company has performed in five years.
Company’s performance in 5 years
- This company was invested in the stock market about five years ago in April 2016.
- At that time the price of the shares of this company was Rs 28.60.
- Since then the shares of this company have been growing continuously.
- The price of these shares reached Rs 790.30 per share on August 13.
- Meaning these shares have shown an increase of more than 2800 percent in five years.
- If someone had invested Rs 5 lakh at the rate of Rs 28.60 5 years ago, he would have got 17483 shares. The value of these shares has become Rs 1.38 crore today. That is, one lakh rupees would have become 28 lakh rupees.
- At present, the price of this share is Rs 831 per share.
Disclaimer: (The information provided here is for informational purposes only. It is important to mention here that investing in the market is subject to market risks. Always consult an expert before investing money as an investor. Anyone from Also investing money is never advised here.)
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