Reservation to Muslims and Christians?

Nowadays, there is a debate going on in the Supreme Court on this issue that why should not the reservation facility be given to the Muslims and Christians of India too? Most of the tribal and scheduled people who have converted to Christianity or Muslim by converting their religion are poor, illiterate and working people. What sin have they committed that they should be denied reservation? This discrimination on the basis of religion is absolutely unjustified.
When the constitution was made, there was a provision to give reservation to only those scheduled and tribals, who are Hindus, but in 1956, Sikhs and in 1990 Buddhists were also added to it, but now Section 341 says that whatever is outside the said religions, it should be Reservation will not be given. What could be a bigger joke than this? Whoever becomes Jain, Muslim, Christian or Jew or becomes an atheist, is he no longer an Indian?
I believe that changing religion or religion does not change the caste of a man. I have had this firsthand experience many times among Muslim friends from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Giving reservation on the basis of caste is poisonous, if it is given or not given on religious basis then it is even worse. Congress first gave reservation on the basis of caste. His aim was to do good to the people but he proved unsuccessful. A new elite arose.
A handful of people got chairs on the basis of birth, not of their merit. Despite this, the Congress government started some reservations in the name of religion during the last regime. Due to this, there has been a reduction in the reservation of Scheduled Tribes and Tribals, because the Supreme Court has recognized 50 percent reservation only as valid. This reservation is given less for the welfare of the reserved, more for their bulk votes.
By making Draupadi Murmu the President, the BJP has not only thrown its strings on the tribals, now it will not be a surprise if it hangs the sucker of reservation for Muslims and Christians also in order to shine its image in Arab and Christian nations. Perhaps that is why he has now decided to set up a commission to look into this question.
This can prove to be a very dangerous decision for India. If we want to make India a strong nation, then people have to stop engaging in caste and religion discrimination. Reservation in government jobs has to be stopped completely. Only in education only the needy will have to be given reservation and facilities as much as possible without discrimination of caste and religion.