Rajasthan: Anti ragging committee constituted in SMS Medical College

Jaipur. Jaipur’s SMS Medical College has issued an order and constituted Anti Ragging Committee and Anti Ragging Teams to stop ragging of students. The Principal and Controller of SMS College said that in these anti-ragging teams, various members of the college faculty, hostel wardens, assistant legal counselors, psychologists, physical teachers, state government administrative officers, police officers, N. Yes. o and media correspondent. He said that a Grievance Redressal Committee has also been constituted by the college administration to stop ragging of the students, as well as adequate number of police personnel to monitor the district and police administration around the college and hospital premises. Written by to patrol. Faculty coordinator is also being made to prevent ragging.
He said that a two-week holiday has also been declared for all senior students from November 15 to November 30 to prevent ragging. He said that in order to provide adequate information to the students, a sanitization program and a welcome session for the new students would also be organized.
The Principal and Controller of SMS College told that any student who is suffering or has any complaint due to ragging in Sawai Mansingh Medical College, Jaipur, he can contact UGC’s toll free number 1800-180. -5522 or helpline@antragging.net and antiragging@nmc.org.in or SMS to the toll free number 1800-180-6020 established in the Medical College.