To Stand Out From The Crowd and Create Your Own Style

We all know Vishnu Gouda (thebombayblogger) for his looks and social media presence. The man who is acquiring a good growth on social media these days. He is very passionate about making his audience crazy for his concepts. Ensures leaving an impact on quality content.
Vishnu Gouda aka thebombayblogger
I liked being the centre of attraction since childhood. I always like to stand out of the crowd. It took no time for this journey to become an addiction. It all began in 2018 where he started posting blogs on social media and got an amazing response from his audience and this is where he decided to take this journey ahead and make his career in this field.
Fashion is a term for style, clothing, footwear etc.
Fashion plays a very big role in the lives of people since it helps them to look different from others and fashion ideas come from within as we all want to stand out from others. We follow fashion in our day to day lives which includes office, gym, college, party wear etc. Spend time in upgrading your fashion and keep trying new things. Being a fashion blogger I want to educate people more about fashion. Fashion is a language that speaks a lot about the person who wears it. Fashion is also about different kinds of fusion wear which we see on social media, television, magazines etc.
I firmly believe that the first impression is the last impression which speaks a lot about you and how you represent yourself. If you are comfortable and confident in what you wear than this is what we call fashion. Fashion is you and in you. Fashion helps you to express yourself in group, family college, office etc. It’s a freedom of expression. Fashion is an everyday art for me and I love styling myself. It’s not about buying clothes from designers or brands, it’s how you carry yourself in every outfit that you wear. Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
Whether we choose to follow the latest trends or whether we prefer to create our own, there is no denying that fashion can be a significant part of our lives.
I started food blogging as time passed by and here I got many foods invites for cafe’s, restaurants and Dhabas. I had gained a lot of weight during this period but this made me happy that people are sending invites for openings and meetings. I was called up for an event named as MPOC where I got a chance to meet the honourable minister of primary industries, Malaysia-Teresa Kok Suh Sim agree she shared her knowledge about palm oil. This was an all-new experience for me, I was all dressed up as Ranveer Singh from gully boy, I got an opportunity to speak few words about me and also got a chance to talk and understand more about blogging.
I was also a part of Bombaytimesfashionweek where I got a chance to meet Vivek Oberoi and many fellow bloggers and this was an initiative taken by the Thane cops and Viviana mall to spread awareness about harassment.
I also got so many hate DM’s because I am blogging and getting success, I chose this profession because it defines who I am and many think that I get stuff for free, no because I have to see my travelling expense etc. At times I skip my breakfast because I have to rush for a shoot in the morning and also skip my meal because of college. All I would like to tell you all is that ‘Never judge a book by its cover”, be positive and do what you love and makes you the happiest.
For me blogging gives me happiness and joy, I am enjoying my profession and this has made me a better and productive person now. Nothing comes handy until and unless you make it a point to struggle and achieve.
After so much hustle and bustle, I also got into portfolio and magazine shoots where I had to travel all the way from my home to the studio and then come back home with a tired face and this was a 4-hour journey but work doesn’t stop. I used to grab a bowl of fruits and sit in front of my laptop because I had to edit my pictures and video content for my audience. I sleep for 3 hours and again the same schedule for next day and now I have got into full time blogging so now it takes more efforts and struggles in creating content just to stand out from the crowd.
I have also turned my storeroom into a small studio where I shoot because you can’t go out and shoot during the rainy season. I got a lot of support from my audience and family and today whatever I am is just because of my parents and their blessings. I thank GOD for having his hand upon my life.
My parents, colleagues and relatives feel so proud of me because I always wanted to do something at a very young age and after struggling so much I finally got into blogging and now people call me blogger, this makes me happy.
Social media links
- Instagram – @thebombayblogger_
- Verified Blog – Link
- Blog – Link
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