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Hate the chemical to make a fool!

Think on the Hindus settled in Britain! It is said and I have also been believing that NRI Hindus are educated, intelligent and masculine. He is a smart and decent person. They are the pride of us Sanatanis. So when the Conservative Party in Britain considered making Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister, I found it to be the hallmark of Sanatani Dharma, Hindu potential, Hindu pride. It is true that in many countries like Britain, America and Canada, people of Indian origin have become great pundits there with their ability, intelligence, open-mindedness. Many people are in power in those countries. Ministers and officers. Means true representative of Sanatani Hindu intellect, pride of community and civilization.

But the shadow of eight years of Modi Raj reached those countries as well. The native langur born out of hatred and the saffron look of TV channels and social media robbed the intellect of even these NRI Hindus. Made them foolish, foolish and ignorant.

Only then see the wonder of the new hated chemical of Made in India, when the Hindus of Lister city of Britain saw the cricket match being held in Dubai, then their ‘Hanumanatva’ woke up so much that slogans of Jai Shri Ram started shouting on the streets. Like in India in the call of Modi-Shah of tricolor yatra etc. and slogans of Pakistan Murdabad are raised by going to Muslim settlement, then Hindus of Hindu majority lister started showing their ‘Hanumanatva’ with slogans of Jai Shri Ram in Muslim area. Muslims also came out of the house and their counter slogan and protest against Allah Hu Akbar!

So the first thing to note, the India chemical to make the mind blind and foolish, got into the skulls of the Hindus of Britain. This is an unfortunate and unfortunate thing. With this, now there will be a watch on the langur form of Hindus in developed, civilized, democratic countries. The defamation of Hindu and Hindu political thinking will spread. You and I cannot guess how the Jai Shri Ram slogans and their action-reactions on Lister’s street in Britain’s white-dominated civilized society would have had or will continue to have an impact. From Rishi Sunak to all the Hindu ministers and leaders there, everyone’s politics has been eclipsed. The same situation is happening for NRI Hindus of Canada and America.

So the Hindu chemical of hatred results in the mind of typical British Hindus as well. Result of this? Hindus were beaten up badly. Jalalat in that society is a chance for Pakistanis and Muslims. This is a deep thing. This should be especially known to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, whose chief Mohan Bhagwat boasts that his organization will raise an army of volunteers in three days. Think, what will happen in the future with such bragging? The alleged army must have been run and beaten in the same way as Hindus have been beaten in the area of ​​u200bu200bthe majority in Lister. Yes, so beaten up that the High Commissioner of India had to give a statement there. And Vishwa Hindu Parishad is appealing to the British Prime Minister.

The basic question is, how did India’s national religion of hatred corrupt the intellect of British NRI Hindus as well? How did he become blind and langur?

His argument is that the nectar of devotion and superstition that Modi has tasted to Hindus on the gland of history is making the entire Hindu civilization corrupt and superstitious. How would the Hindus of Britain, Canada, America have survived the influence? It is not possible that the resolve of hatred of the country’s magician Narendra Modi abroad and the nation of India, painted in his colors, does not enter his mind. They don’t hit the road. Gujaratis are prominent among Lister’s Hindus. Therefore, it is also their duty path which they should show by demo of Amit Shah’s third battle of Panipat in Britain.

That’s when what happened in Lister is a demo of India of the future. You do not believe Don’t believe Wait for the time

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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