Deadly roads of India

Road accidents are a kind of disaster. Which suddenly falls on a family. It is unfortunate that efforts to stop it have not been effective. As a result, Accidents are becoming more and more deadly.
If the value of life was understood in India, then of course it would have been a big news. But it was hardly discussed, the news it deserves. This news suggests that road accidents are one of the leading causes of death, disability, and hospitalization in India. The World Health Organization has prepared a report in this regard. According to him, at least one in 10 people who die in road accidents worldwide are from India. According to the report titled “Road Accidents in India-2020” by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of India, youth are the most vulnerable to fatal accidents on the road. The effect it has on their families can be imagined. The report says that during the year 2020, a total of 3,66,138 road accidents took place in the states and union territories, in which 1,31,714 people died and 3,48,279 people were injured. In every one hundred road accidents, 36 people lost their lives, whereas in 2019 this number was 33.
That is, there were more deaths on the roads that year, in which many months were spent in lockdown. Young adults in the age group of 18-45 years accounted for 69 per cent of those in road accidents in 2020. While the share of people in the age group of 18-60 years was 87.4 percent in the total road accidents. The report said that in 2020, 69.3 percent of people died due to over speeding under the category of traffic rule violations, while 5.6 percent of people died in accidents due to driving in the wrong direction. The accident on the road also puts a financial burden on the victim and his family. There is potential loss of income due to untimely deaths, injuries and disabilities. That is, road accidents are a kind of disaster, which suddenly falls on a family. It is unfortunate that efforts to stop it have not been effective. As a result, accidents are becoming more fatal.