It is not that only Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha has become irrelevant, the entire political system from the Center to the states has become irrelevant. Now only two institutions are relevant. The Prime Minister’s Office at the Center and the Chief Minister’s Office in the States. There are more than 75 ministers to say in the central government but most of the ministers have no meaning. Even earlier in the system of India, the Ministers of State did not have any special role. It is already going on that the cabinet minister does not give work to the ministers of state. The work of Ministers of State is only to prepare answers to parliamentary questions and to answer questions in the absence of a cabinet minister. According to this system, the Ministers of State in the present government also do not have any special work or meaning.
Meaning that even cabinet ministers are not special. Barring a few cabinet ministers, no other minister is in such a position to take any policy initiative. All policy decisions will be taken from the Prime Minister’s Office. The Prime Minister’s Office and the Cabinet Secretariat will initiate new policy making and policy changes, and everyone else will have to follow the instructions from there. Government policies are made or distorted by the allegations of an individual or an individual. It is known to all that no minister of the Government of India was aware of a big decision like demonetisation. They were directly informed in the cabinet meeting and it was announced before they could understand anything. This is the case with almost all policies.
Due to the charisma of one person, all the people of the ruling party have won the elections and have become ministers by the grace of that person, so that person also has the right to think and take all the decisions. It is not that the cabinet ministers of the government will be unhappy with this arrangement. They’ll be glad they don’t have to do anything. They get instructions from above and accordingly they prepare the file and forward it. Everything is governed by the Prime Minister’s Office and the credit for everything also goes to the Prime Minister and his office. There is no chance of any wrong being blamed because this government has created the impression that it does nothing wrong. If something is being said to be wrong, then that is also wrong, no, people are mistaking it. As in the case of agricultural laws. The government made the law, maintained it for a year without implementing it and then withdrew it, but did not admit that it had made any mistake, rather it was said that the government could not convince some people about it.
However, the system which is of the PMO at the center is the same as that of the CMO in the states. Whatever has to happen in the states also has to be done from the Chief Minister’s Office. If the Chief Minister realized someday that there is a need to open more liquor shops to increase the revenue in the state, then he will issue one hundred and two hundred licenses and then the same Chief Minister will be aware that drinking alcohol is a bad thing, then he will ban liquor. He doesn’t need anyone to ask or take advice. If any Chief Minister felt that a new capital should be built at such a place, then he would decide and start the work, but if another Chief Minister felt that the place was not suitable for the capital, then he would stop the work in the middle. For this also he does not need anyone’s advice.
In the states which are ruled by regional parties, the distinction between government and party has ended. The head of the party is the head of the government. He runs the government as he runs the party. Neither in the party nor in the government can speak anything in front of him. Earlier in the national parties, there was no arbitrariness of the Chief Ministers. But now that too is over. After the weakening of the Congress high command, the hold of the party over the Chief Ministers has weakened. Even the general secretary of a party like CPM cannot restrain his only chief minister. As far as the BJP is concerned, earlier its satraps were the chief ministers and used to work according to their own accord. Now almost all the Chief Ministers have been made by the grace of the high command and will remain till his grace. That’s why they too have the freedom to follow the model of the PMO.