Does anyone mean?

Amazing mind of India today! The greater the destruction in the four aspects of democracy, politics, governance, policy, the greater the destruction, the greater the glory of the king and the mind of the people getting bombed with patriotism, devotion and universalism. This is also the history of Hindus. Perhaps this is the reason that in the view of civilizations, the wise people of the world do not consider the politics, governance, policy of Hindus to be worth studying. These days I am reading the history and politics of five thousand years of civilizations, their rise and fall. I am not surprised but shocked to be a Hindu that Samuel E. Finer (The History of Government from the Earliest Times), who compared and accounted for the totality of civilizations-politics, bypassed Hindu power, politics in the context of India. Started the idea directly from the power of the Mughal period. Meaning the civilization of the Indus river valley (even due to the script not being read yet) and the Hindu kings and governance system seemed meaningless to them. not remarkable.
That’s where the situation is now. What is the civilizational global meaning of democracy, politics, governance, policy of the present Modi era? Is India’s ‘democracy’ an inspiration to the world? Is ‘politics’ creating ideas, choices and rights in the human mind? Does he have any goal of peace, prosperity for the lives of 140 crore people? Is the government and its bureaucracy grappling with such objectives? Are government and power wise in the policy-making process and criteria? Do they have positive effect or negative? Is the character of power going to make the country and its people civilized, civilized or wild? Are the subjects being able, independent, intelligent or living a charitable, brainless and without human rights?
Don’t think that this is because of Narendra Modi. Formation of politics, power, governance and policy from 1947 and Pandit Nehru to Narendra Modi because we are from the mood of Hindus, then obviously the problem is we are Hindus. When and in what time were we Hindus, 140 crore people and ancestors taught the lessons of democracy, politics, governance, policy? In which period of history, after 1947, when this awareness was created, understanding was made that only by the sanctities of democracy, governance and policy, man makes man. Civilization makes. By rote memorizing, Chanakya’s hymns and devotion to the king, WhatsApp knowledge does not lead to rise, but downfall. But what is the cure for a stuck mind built up in slavery and fear? Now he has become more completely monogamous. Never before in modern history was the Hindu thinking so unilaterally as it is today.