unreasonable misery on India

The criticism that India is facing abroad for the sudden decision to ban exports after making exaggerated claims about wheat exports. That too is not based on any solid logic.
The Government of India showed flip-flops in the matter of wheat exports, an issue that must be discussed in the country. By the way, people who have experience of eight years of working of Narendra Modi government have got used to such decisions. This notion has not been created in such a way that the present government takes the decision first and thinks about its possible consequences later. However, the criticism that India is facing abroad for the sudden decision of banning exports after making exaggerated claims about wheat exports is also not based on any solid logic. If we look at the tone of the western media, then there is an attempt to make India a villain in this matter. Now along with Russia, India is also being blamed for the inflation of wheat in the world.
Significantly, India’s decision was criticized collectively by the G-7 countries. After the G-7 foreign ministers meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, it was said that if everyone starts imposing restrictions on exports or starts closing the markets, then the crisis will deepen. On Tuesday, US envoy Linda Thomas Greenfield at the United Nations meeting on global food security expressed confidence that the US will prepare India to remove these exports. But the question is, if western countries are so concerned about the food security of the world, then why don’t they start exporting food grains from their reserves? Or instead of continuously sending weapons to Ukraine, why not start such a process of dialogue, which will make the war end there? The attitude of those countries seems to be that other countries bear the cost of completing their geopolitical calculations. Is it not the duty of the Government of India to first worry about the food security of the people of India? As far as the issue of loss to farmers due to this decision is concerned, that can be discussed separately. But that is an issue within the country.