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Lula again in Brazil

The wave of leftism that has been going on in Latin America for some years has now succeeded in Brazil as well. Before that, Argentina Colombia, Peru, chile, Left leaders have also won elections in Honduras and Mexico.

Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva’s victory in Brazil’s presidential election is of far-reaching importance not only to this country, but also to the international world. Although this time Lula contested on a centrist platform, yet he has the image of a big leftist leader. The things he said after winning the election also gave a clear indication that he would continue to follow the policies of the old era in his new term. Prior to this, Lula was the President of Brazil from 2003 to 2010. That period is remembered for the drastic decline in poverty and inequality and many new successful experiments of welfare schemes. The significance of his victory this time is also that the wave of leftism that has been going on in Latin America for the last few years has now become successful even in the largest country of this region. Prior to this, left-wing leaders have also won elections in Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Honduras and Mexico. Lula has pledged to create a separate trade area of ​​South America with all these countries. Apart from this, he has also introduced a plan to create a separate currency for South America, so that business can be done there without relying on the dollar.

Lula’s victory will also be expected to bring a new force to the BRICS. Lula was one of the founders of this forum of Brazil – Russia – India – China – South Africa. At a time when the discussions for BRICS expansion are intensified, Lula’s presidency will give a new direction to this forum. Meanwhile, the challenge before Lula will be to keep his coalition partners inside the country together. This time Lula also included centrist parties and some such parties which are inclined towards the right. This strategy was successful in the election. In fact, it was Lula’s compulsion to take a pragmatic approach in forming alliances. Many voters went to vote this time not because of any hope, but to get rid of Bolsonaro. It was Lula’s strategy to make sure it all stays with them.

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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