Time’s move, then Devarshi Gorbachev was now the Mahadasha’s Putin, Boris, Xi and Narendra Modi!

Time moves on but man remains stationary. He clings to his inertia, indifference, folly and delusions. This truth is in front of the world today. Everywhere the earth is spoiling the lives of people in climate change. Of the earth, there is a Mahadasha of misfortune for humanity. It seemed in the twentieth century, time was beginning to tell that the earth was on the way to ruin. So man has to change. The old way has to be abandoned. People of the world convert themselves into villages. Break the borders of countries. The different floods of religion, civilization, culture, ideas that have been created should end. Humanity should think with one thought, one thought that how to save the earth? People of the world take decisions together, in totality. Save the climate, the environment. Be happy and move on. That’s when time created that knowledge-science, that intelligence that the world really started becoming a village. Globalization started.
At that time a human god was born. Mikhail Gorbachev became the overlord of the Soviet Union. And that great man became the free, fear-free people of the earth who had been living in the suffocation of tsarist, communist redemption for centuries. These people did not know the meaning of freedom in the Slavic mortification of fear. But Gorbachev was that great man whose resolve was not to put people in jail. I will not run tanks on those countries, those people who had been run by their predecessors Stalin and dictatorial leaders to make an empire called the Soviet Union. Gorbachev revolted. Gorbachev and his wife were put under house arrest by a gang of eight people of the top army officers who considered that empire their pride, the police-intelligence agency KGB and the army-network-industrial superpower fabric. By pointing a pistol at him, he wanted to sign the Emergency Declaration and the order to snatch the freedom of the people. But Gorbachev was not afraid. Said in front of the gun – I do not sign, if you want to kill, then kill.
As a result, the Sainik-KGB revolution of that gang failed. The dictatorship of the Soviet Union ended. Fifteen different countries were formed from it. Russia is also one of those fifteen. Not only this, eight countries of the East Bloc including East Germany, Hungary, Poland became independent. East and West Germany unified. Means a sudden gust of new, fresh and free air came in the lives of some thirty five crore people. One more fact. Gorbachev initiated a disarmament agreement between the superpowers. Eliminated and reduced nuclear weapons. The Cold War ended. The world suddenly started running towards peace and happiness. Boundaries broken. People began to move in human form throughout Europe, on a visa or without a visa. Globalization started.
That’s when I believe and believe that Gorbachev is one of those rare great deities in human history, due to which crores of human beings came out of the animal identity of the fences named country and started living in the dignity of man of the earth, world a village To become more.
Wasn’t that a testament to the progress of time? Gorbachev’s leadership changed the nature of the earth and its human beings. In Europe, Western civilization, a chapter of mutual cooperation, global openness began, which led many prophets to believe that now the end of history. Means now war, freedom from the horrors of the Great War. I believe that in the twenty-five years from 1995 to 2020, China and Russia have benefited the most from this happiness. If the countries of Europe and Germany did not buy gas and oil by building gas pipelines in the trust of relations with Russia and China, then where would both Russia and China be today?
That time was awesome. That time led the world to leaders like Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, PV Narasimha Rao, Deng Xiao Ping and then Jiang Zemin, and pushed the earth and its six billion people to make one village, one world. Perhaps because the earth itself was becoming incapable of handling the misdeeds of man for three hundred years. Climate change had begun to threaten a hole in the sky.
I believe and believe that time has been discharging its duty to make human beings more and more conscious and intelligent. Only then man is penetrating the space with intelligence, knowledge-science and its discovered truth. The mighty global brahmins and pundits of wisdom and truth power started giving that god knowledge to human beings, due to which the roadmap of Mars has been made in future. As that the world is a village and globalization was and is the natural development of humanity. Humans collectively solve the crisis of cataclysm on Earth, and if necessary, they settle in another planet, the name of the launching pad of this mission is globalization.
But bad luck! Time turned. Mahadasha is hitting the horoscope on earth. As a result, there is loss of intellect of the public mind everywhere. The Muslims returned in the medieval period. Hindus started living in the cow dung period of Kali Yuga. The Chinese began to breathe during the Han period. The Chinese and Slavic ethnic Russians laid out the roadmap for medieval imperial expansion, whose hunger was endless and stubbornly exploited human beings, domesticated and devout people. So Christian Westerners are under the guise of Donald Trump and the foolish nationalists of many countries like him. The suicidal and strife thoughts of white supremacy and to make America great again.
Boris Johnson, a hero of similar thinking, is leaving the post of Prime Minister in Britain today. I consider Boris Johnson to be the villain of the advancing Western civilization because Boris’ false propaganda has led the people of the global capital astray in driving Britain out of the European Union and leading the country to a path of disorientation and destruction. The result is in front. Britain is a constantly deteriorating country. Its economy went downhill to the sixth place. As a result, there was talk of becoming the fifth number economy in India.
Hindus are rejoicing in the pride of being the Vishwa Guru of India, the fifth Kuber of the world. They do not even understand that if the economy of 140 crore people has outpaced the size of the UK economy of seventy-five crore people, then by giving the share of their population in its size, they also understand that how much per capita Indian would have. Is.
Just like Donald Trump spoiled America, Boris Johnson made Britain light, prankster and clown. On the other hand, Putin made the Russians live without fear and freedom before Gorbachev. Putin’s sympathetic President Xi Jinping not only diverted the Chinese people from Deng Xiaoping’s mercantile vision, but also into the imperialist thinking of the Han civilization, whereby the whole country is flying over the world like a wild dragon in the fire of domination, scares him.
Now the number comes, number two of the population, what did India become and what is becoming of Lord Narendra Modi of the crowd of 140 crore people?…. At the same time, which was the ancient period of the Kaliyuga of the Hindus, it was the medieval period, with your own hands, with your own razors, with axes, cut all the inserts one by one. So that the Hindus sitting on the top of their stubble would say to the world – We are Vishwa Gurus!
Think, on this Mahadasha of the world!