Three people got the Nobel of Economics

Oslo. The last Nobel in the series of this year’s Nobel Prizes, the Nobel Prize in Economics, has been announced. Every time the Nobel Prize in Economics is announced on the last day of Nobel Prize Week. This year the award has been given to three expert economists from the banking sector. The names of the winners of this year’s Nobel in Economics are Ben Bernacke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Divig.
The three economists did research on improving the banking sector in the era of economic recession and suggested better ways to save humanity. All three experts are from America. Announcing the Nobel Prize in Economics, the committee said – All three experts told the world that when the economy is in difficult times, then how society should deal with the help of banks. Why is it most important to save the banking sector from catastrophe? All three economists started this important research related to the banking sector in 1980.
He did not just give a theory, but many countries implemented the methods he suggested to overcome the difficult economic situation. The three economists suggested ways to overcome this difficulty by striking a balance between banking and society. Prizes will be presented in December to the winners of this year’s Nobel. The winners of 2020-21 could not reach Stockholm due to Kovid. This time the committee has also called the winners of these two years to Stockholm.