Canada: An effort to free the public from the clutches of cigarettes, from now on every cigarette will be printed with a warning

The policy of placing a graphic image as a warning on the packaging of tobacco products was implemented in Canada only two decades ago
Cigarette smoking is very injurious to health. Every year millions of people around the world become victims of it. Although warnings are written on the packets of cigarettes in every country, yet people ignore it and play with their health. In such a situation, Canada is going to become the first country in the world where a warning will be printed on every cigarette. This warning will tell how dangerous smoking cigarette is for health.
According to the information, the policy of putting a graphic picture as a warning on the packaging of tobacco products was implemented in Canada only two decades ago, which has now been adopted worldwide. Canada’s Minister of Mental Health Carolyn Bennett said on Friday that we have to address concerns that these messages have lost their effect. Writing a health warning on every tobacco product will ensure that the message reaches everyone, including young people who take one cigarette at a time but do not see the warning on the packet. However, there is no certainty about which warning will be printed on the cigarette. The government expects this change to be implemented from the second half of 2023. Discussions will be held to implement this on Saturday.
Canada has made it mandatory to put photo warnings on tobacco products sold in its country since 2000. Rob Cunningham of the Canada Cancer Society said that “this initiative is a huge work on a global scale. While no other country has implemented such regulations so far, it is hoped that warnings like this will make a difference.” He said this would be a warning that would be difficult to ignore.
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