nectar festival of freedom

No freedom can be imagined without democracy. So considering how our freedom should be filled with the spirit of democracy – perhaps the most important significance of today would be to think about it.
The specialty of India’s independence movement was that only the end of foreign rule was not considered as independence. Rather, an ideology of freedom movement gradually developed in the 90 years of freedom struggle. The basis of this ideology was the understanding that the British Raj was exploiting the resources of India, making Indians poor. Dada Bhai Naoroji’s famous Drain of Wealth research was the first to introduce Indians to this reality. As this understanding spread, the belief became stronger that freedom from the British Raj was in the interest of every Indian. And with this the discussion started on this dream or imagination that what would be the post-independence India. Amidst a long process of struggle and coordination, openness to all ideas and cultures, democracy, modern development policy, secularism and social justice became part of this dream. All these principles found a place in our constitution. The fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual have been described in detail in the constitution.
But it is unfortunate that due to unfavorable economic and social conditions, these freedoms have remained mere bookish things for the majority of the Indian population. In the midst of this circumstance, it is not surprising that the values ​​of the freedom struggle seem to be under threat today. In India, the understanding of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato seems to be realizing that democracy gradually turns into an oligarchy, as the dominant sections of society use their money power to completely take over the system. . If the people are not aware of their rights – if the majority fail to understand their interest in the defense of democracy – then this culmination is bound to happen. Today, as we celebrate the nectar festival of our freedom, introspection must be done on these questions. After all, no freedom can be imagined without democracy. So considering how our freedom should be filled with the spirit of democracy – perhaps the most important significance of today would be to think about it.