The spider web started from Sumer!

In the first civilization of Sumer, man began to be bound in an artificial life called civilization. Then all 1 of the present spider web was createdThis is true of 95 countries. The web is because the experience of civilizations is to be created and destroyed again and again. Despite this, like a spider, man again and again starts rebuilding the broken web of civilization. He does not understand the deceit, futility and anything new of the web. The templates of the civilization built in Sumer five thousand years ago were and are the methods of all civilizations, old and modern.
Doomsday Estuary-30: It is said that the dark ages of human beings have ended with civilization. Man became virtuous. Got out of animal instincts. He got decent. Man has got that intelligence, understanding, skill and abilities, through which he is enjoying happiness and prosperity. How wrong is this notion? If this were so, would eight billion people be living in the differences-discriminations-inequalities of different countries, religions, civilizations? Even now, if human beings interact with each other in terms of high and low, civilized versus uncivilized versus barbaric versus savage, etc., then what is not an imposition of civilization and its perceived achievements? Why is civilization meant to experience the rise and fall of civilizations, both in individual or community life? Civilization builds and then ends! Why does civilization and the civilized life it created turn back to wild and unclaimed? How to be civilized and become Kali Yugi? Why did civilizations form and die? If man had become mature, made and intelligent and knowledgeable and humane from civilization, then civilizations would not have ended, nor would the lives of eight billion people in the twenty-first century have been living in the conditions which also passed from the nomadic life of five thousand years ago. Huh.
Truth of Sumer Civilization
The truth is that civility versus civilization conflicts were and are. Civilized people kill each other. Civilizations have perished due to the cruelties of both so-called civilized and barbaric people. This experience of human society is continuous from the first civilization. In the first civilization of Sumer, human beings began to be bound in an artificial life called civilization. The spider web created then is the reality of all the 195 countries of the present. The templates of the civilization built in Sumer five thousand years ago were and are the methods of all civilizations, old and modern. Therefore, the essence of the first Sumerian civilization tells how human society has created a web and as a result, how both the earth and humanity are on the verge of a cataclysm.
The web is because the experience of civilizations is to be created and destroyed again and again. Despite this, like a spider, man again and again starts rebuilding the broken web of civilization. He does not understand the deceit, futility and anything new of the web.
The first human civilization formed in modern-day Iraq in the doab of the Euphrates-Tigris River. before the mouths of the rivers. In the year 35 BC, the fabric of civilization began to form from the agricultural settlement in the area named Sumer. Since then, the development that took place over the next two thousand years led to the formation of an all-round agricultural city-nation in the form of city-states in the middle and north of the river region. Therefore, the importance of the Sumer-Mesopotamian region is like the first plant and nursery of civilization. The world adopted the civilization template made in Sumer. The seeds of civilizations in the American continent, including the Nile Valley in Egypt (three thousand BC), the Indus River valley (Harappan 2.5 thousand BC), the Chinese Yellow-Yangtze River (22 hundred BC), were traced to Mesopotamia! The seeds of what? The first core seed human intelligence, in the cognitive skull of individuals in need of personal self-interest, to become a cognate fabric of cooperation and mutual relationships. Creating a systematic web of relationships in the personal needs, selfishness, interests, benefits of the body. Means that development of the intelligence of relational interests in the mind, which under the guise of collective arrangements serves individual ego and interest. Because of that, the Sumerian civilization started to become the central point of the tendencies of selfishness and ego in human behavior. In other words, it was the beginning of human journey in tendencies like proprietary-proprietary hunger, ruler-ruled, exploiter-exploitation.
self-centered gimmicks
The agricultural population in Sumer learned the importance of water and irrigation in the experience of agriculture. In the concern and selfishness of how the fields should get uninterrupted water from rivers, streams and canals, then the idea of ​​mutual cooperation was formed in the human mind. People made responsibilities among themselves for uninterrupted irrigation. Means the creation of the first system of community-public life. From then till today, in the hands of man, society and community, he is making all kinds of arrangements in the interest of self-interest.
Before that man had a hunter-gatherer life. Homo sapiens lived a nomadic life of two lakh, 45 thousand years without any arrangements. Then the person was living life in a simple relationship of self-interest-dependencies within a small circle of personal, family and clan. But agriculture changed man. One, people started collecting. He was forced to make a living on the accumulation of goods (such as grain). In this way, there was a collection of domestic animals, things in animal husbandry too, but from agricultural life there was a fundamental change in the nature of humans. Collection of food grains in the house, realization of ownership, transactions with it, hoarding, offerings to priests and kings, rent-tax in return for security arrangements, hungry nomads or snatching of neighboring settlements, thefts, attacks, fighting, new such as People made community arrangements for experiences, solutions to problems. Due to the need of each other in agricultural life, there was division of work among the people. Society was divided into class-varna. Who was the brain engineer who created all this or the foundation of civilization? So the answer is the priest who has been running since the time of the tribe!
Foundations from Priest’s Witchcraft
Everyone is of the opinion that the priests of the nomadic tribes promoted the idea of ​​settlement-city and farming. The earliest builder-rulers of these city-states were the hereditary noble priests of the tribes. He created the magic of water and irrigation. In Mesopotamia also, the river was glorified among the people by the miracle of God or Bhagirathi. By 31 hundred BC, within the settlements-cities of Mesopotamia, the exorcists-priests in the center built places of worship-temples and gave shape to the arrangements. The boundary walls of the agricultural city were built to protect them from nomads or people from other settlements. It was the systematic creation by Homo sapiens of the attitude of chimpanzees to protect their enclosure. The priests prepared fighters to protect the settlement. Their leader was a new incarnated king like the tribal chief. Every city was a free country. That civilizational plantation of the city-state was from the wisdom of the priest, the manure and water of magic and sorcery. As a result, the systems of governance.
Agriculture was not easy then. Anxiety and fear of natural forces (from snakes-scorpions to rain-water) was increasing among the people. Symbolic fantasies of priests created deity beliefs about natural forces. According to scientists, the case of the Mesopotamian gods was childish, yet unpredictable and dangerous, which only the priest was capable of handling. In southern Mesopotamia, until 3100 BC, all the four walls of the city-state were completely dependent on priests and deities. In Sumer some seven hundred years there were webs of systems within the four walls of the city-state. His focal point was Vishwakarma Pujari. During this period, the attitudes of mutual violence, competition, fighting among the people of the neighboring city-states got a lot of wings. Meaning the city as a country, its boundary walls, temples, priests, the economy of the produce of the irrigated areas became a new nature of man. The differences between you and me with the adjoining civilizations of the city-state, mutual differences among humans, became the seeds of conflicts. In the society within the city-state, the priest-king made arrangements for people’s interconnection, behavior, rules and regulations. The nurturing, spreading, resolving of the primitive tendencies of man’s hunger, fear, insecurity was the re-shaping and formation of the individual and the society. New human nature and behavior different from nomadic life. New arrangements for him.
seeds of the elite
In those days people used to fight with copper weapons. Each unit of the city-state was not only embodying the tendencies of violence-fighting-war, but their saga, hero-great-tales were also being made. That was the time when humans found the ruling class. The ruling-oligarchy was created and developed. The first hero in the history of the developed elite of king-warriors and priests in Sumeria was the ‘doll’. His statue is in the museum, seeing which it is concluded that in the first civilization of Sumer, man had known the ‘powerful’ king. From that time the human destiny of the Avatar king started.
The first evidence of folklore of human life in the power of kings is in Mesopotamian culture. In the epic ‘Gilgamesh’ written after the language development, there is a mention of the greatness in the defense of the city-state (Gilgamesh). It details that the influence and authority of the kings depended on the wishes of the priests. The priest will declare whomever he wishes to be the favorite earthly representative of the gods. The priest then declared the king an incarnation of God and made the people devotion towards him. Obviously, it was also necessary for the king, who should maintain his power with the priest’s wisdom, magic, his trust-support.
Keep in mind that after the development of language, the work of preparing and writing the decrees of orders and arrangements was that of the priest and the temple system. From Mesopotamia itself, the responsibility of education-initiation started with the priests-pundits, then other civilizations also adopted that system. The Indus River Valley or the Chinese and the Nile Valley all and Sumer’s saplings had a monopoly on education for the elite priestly class. In Mesopotamian culture, knowledge was stored in temple libraries. From them again the elite class received education.
Progress from civilization, meaning?
The first feature of civilization starting from rough Sumer was the formation of society and state from a big city. In it there was a system-centred culture-civilization on the axis of religion, temple-monument, politics, boundary walls, architecture, communication and agriculture-animal husbandry based economy. The population was divided into class, caste molds of division of labor of priests, warriors, carpenters, farmers, traders, workers. In India, the rhetoric of caste, varna system, the evils of culture in which Hindu society is ridiculed, are all not the original product of the Indus Valley River, but from the seeds of civilizational development of all the early-ancient systems. . Due to socio-economic varna-class divisions and boundary walls, the later human history of race, race, nationality is due to the beginning of the Sumerian civilization. In Sumer, Mesopotamia, the development of human intelligence from the seeds and plants of civilization then spread everywhere. From there one religion everywhere, one central authority, common social structure, language and writing system, building a complex economy. From these then different work divisions of castes like transportation means, new tools, trade, construction of buildings, potters, carpenters, weavers etc.
Keep in mind that all the early civilizations were built on the banks of the river. All agriculture and grain based. The hegemony of the priest-king in the structure of the city-state of all. This ensured-secured the land rights of the cultivators from the developed elite, the chieftains, and in turn, creating and running the system of the aristocracy by collecting reins on the crops. The water (natural resource) was the initial cause of the quarrel when everyone got water from the same river. These city-states were initially like the personal jagir of the priest-king, then there were a lot of fights and fights in the settlements (countries) over water. As such, it is not wrong to assume that the two thousand years of human training, from the birth of civilization to childhood and youth, the bottom-line battle of education and initiation, discrimination, violence and selfishness-ego-fear, hunger-attitudes, tools and systems manufacture and use.
Where there is a question of traps like progress and modernity in civilization and its synonyms, then what to think on the fact that the progress of city-states from Sumer, Mesopotamia itself was constantly fighting the neighboring city-states. Wasn’t it the behavior of civilization to attack another city (civilization) and enslave the people there, use them with whips? The enslavement, the subjugation, the colonization, the battles of civilizations for the resources of the nature-environment are not the truth of five thousand years? The discrimination and exploitation of man and nature that civilization has created and the way people are divided (that too in the name of civilization) is indeed the darkest, darkest, darkest and frightening reality of five thousand years. Despite this, it is very sad to consider this experience as civilized in the prism of progress and modernity. Why was there no need to think on such experiences and build a new civilization? Why hasn’t man learned anything from the Sumer-Mesopotamian civilization and the subsequent, despite the frequent, repeated decline of civilizations? (Ongoing)