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The journey of Kali Yugi started with the mistake of objectives!

The Hindu’s concept of Satyug vs Kaliyug is actually on the difference of free-self-respecting life versus dependent-bonded slavery period. fearless vs fearful mood, intelligence vs blindness, There is a difference in the time of Karmavaad vs. Fatalism. …that is when India became independent in 1947 So India had to make that constitution which would change the mood of the Hindus, He was worried about his behavior. … The question is, what should have been the objectives of independent India and its constitution? My The straight forward answer is that the first priority of the nation-state of India is to end the Kali Yuga of the Hindus. Citizens out of the experience of fourteen hundred years of slavery. Fear, Liberation of the people from the systems of hunger and loot.

India of seventy five Kaliyuga decreased or increased,,2 : The issue is complex. I have analyzed the Hindu character in the past as well. The Hindu nature created in the slavery of fourteen hundred years has already been discussed. The essence is that the concept of Satyug versus Kaliyug of the Hindu is actually on the difference of free-self-respecting life versus dependent-bonded slavery period. There is a difference between fearless versus fearful mood, intelligence versus blindness, karmavad versus fatalism. We all know why Kali Yuga was formed for Hindus and what are its symptoms. Because of that, when India became independent in 1947, India had to make a constitution in which the change of mood of the Hindus, their behavior and behavior would have been concerned.

The question is, what should have been the objectives of independent India and its constitution? Its straight forward answer is that the first priority of the nation-state of India is to end the Kali Yuga of the Hindus. The citizens came out from the experience of fourteen hundred years of slavery. Liberation of the people from the systems of fear, hunger and loot.

Only then the constitution had to adopt the resolutions of these three tasks, objectives – (1) To eliminate the fear of governance, governance among the citizens. So that people get out of the mood of slavery and have the nature to live with vivacity. So that they (2) be free from the habit of fear, devotion, hunger and dependent life created in the experience of subordination. Citizens left the escapist-fatalistic nature and became puritan-karmicists. (3) To embrace these two objectives in the mind of the country, importance should have been given to the knowledge sources, energy and sense of Sanatani Dharma-Shastras. So that the ideals of the character-moral-cultural values ​​would form and blossom the resolve of the Hindu majority community. In the education-understanding of the citizens, that intellectual force would have been made possible by which the renaissance of the eternal heritage of ancient civilization-culture would have been possible. The unique identity of India could have been created by the eternal intellectual force. The global contribution of Hindus would have been possible.

Think, in seventy-five years from the Constitution of India, its results and the behavior of the nation, what identity of India has developed in the world? Is there such an identity that has been created in the last 75 years of other constitutions like Japan, Germany, Israel, China made around the time of 1947. Japan, Germany, Israel, and China all have their own distinctive identities of culture and culture. He has a status in his world fraternity. Think what is the identity of India in the world ahead of them?

stupid superstition

The objectives of ending Kali Yuga were not laid down in the Constitution of India. Rather, the Kali-yuga nature of the people, the official methods of slavery were made more powerful. The above mentioned three did not work. The Constituent Assembly of India did not consider it necessary to refine the merits and demerits of Hindu mood-disposition, intellect and education, nor did it make it the purpose of molding the civil rites into the moral parameters of religion-culture!

As a result, in a crowded civil society without culture, without character, labor is done like donkeys, but the result is poverty, vanity, wildness, living in cages, tying and sharing in caste-religion. Pay attention to the current times. What kind of India photos have been found in the world? What news was heard from India in the global concerns of the pandemic? The world has seen photos of India like cremation grounds and unclaimed deaths on the banks of the Ganges, in the same way, symbols of any other civilization-culture were seen in the country? What superstitious things the world has heard and known from India. Like the diagnosis of virus with cow dung. To drive away the epidemic by clapping. Means the scriptures of the past (there is no such thing in any Satyug Sanatani theology) and not by knowledge, but by cooking up the superstitions of myths, the Hindu was proved to be a foolish nature. In the myths itself, the Prime Minister of India talks about organ transplant surgery in ancient India and the devotees shout that the solution to every disease and problem is the mantra. Cow urine cures diseases and cow releases oxygen. Not only this, the peacock pregnant with the tears of the peacock and leaving the duck in the pond created oxygen in the water of the pond. Whatsup foolishness is the identity of India. An IIT head from India releases the video that the father of a friend of his in Chennai was captured by a ghost and he chased away the ghost by reciting the Bhagavad Gita. Imagine, a robotics professor and his skull telling the world that his friend’s father was physically very weak but after reciting the mantra, he got such power that he got up and started dancing. Later, the friend’s mother and wife were also caught by the ghost. Then he recited the mantra loudly for 45 minutes to an hour and freed both of them from the ghost.

Is all this the nectar of knowledge of India for 75 years? Know that the Sanatani Hindu did not live in such superstitions. Such straw is not in the Vedas of Hindus. On the contrary, the Adi Sanatani Dharmashastras of the Hindu were composing the Vedas and Vedangas by understanding nature, revealing and invoking its powers. There was debate with Ilham then.

In fact, this mental disability of India is the Kali-yuga nature of the time of slavery. The subjection of the heretics has made us fatalists-superstitions. That is why the Hindu elite leaders before and after independence had to seriously consider the reality of mental handicap. Had to find a solution. In its truth it was to become the primary objective of the Constitution. But the opposite happened. There was a superstition among the gentry of the Constituent Assembly that there is no such idea of ​​political philosophy, polity in Hindu religion-civilization-culture, so that the citizens of the concept of nation-state can make themselves cultured and responsible. It was also thought that if the values ​​of culture-religion or its insistence on the constitution-country were prestige, then the state religion should not be considered biased. We the people of India will be called antiquarians. Such fear and superstition apparently stemmed from the dreadful mood of the slavery period. Gandhi continued to see the ideal of Ram Rajya but his followers, the Constituent Assembly, rejected the truthful light of Ram Rajya and the original Sanatani religion behind it in horror and cynicism that religion and theology were opium and gapaudi!

As a result, the constitution was formed only which was the already made fabric of the British’s language, philosophy, thought, intention, the tendency to rule the people. The making of the constitution did not take place in the priority of giving sovereign wings to the individual’s freedom, his self-ownership, charitableness, but was building democracy in the stamp of making sovereignty-monarchy of power and government.

The result is in front. Seventy-five years later, Hindus (be it secular or communal) are fighting fiercely for their freedom. He lives in hunger, fear and devotion. He is filling his stomach with donations, donations, freebies. One gets rich from corruption. And when it comes to human nature, it is superstitious, brazen and scattered.

am i wrong? (Ongoing)

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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