Why not take the Dharmadhwaji initiative?

The misconceptions that have been spread about the statements made about Prophet Mohammed should have been put to rest by now, as the Government of India has made it clear that it has nothing to do with those statements and the BJP has rejected its rhetoricians. Strict action has also been taken against But the kind of violent demonstrations, ransacked and beaten up in dozens of cities of the country, is not beneficial to anyone.
If you ask the Muslim brothers who have done all these acts in anger, then they have no idea about which statement you are angry about. After Friday prayers, someone provoked them and they took to the streets with their lives in their hands, as if Islam was in danger. The role of the Prophet Muhammad, one and a half thousand years from now, has been so revolutionary in the Arab world that it can be erased with a single sentence in a TV controversy?
In the debates going on on TV channels nowadays, such people are called, who are expert in throwing shells at each other instead of being factual and argumentative. Such debates attract people’s attention. TRP of channels from him. Heats up The same thing happened in that debate of Gyanvapi. One speaker made fun of Shivlings, while the other speaker gave his answer by saying about the Prophet, which is also written in some Arabic Hadiths. Both the statements could have been avoided but they were made sesame palm by some people.
Although those remarks neither make Shiva’s hair frizzy, nor do any arrogance in the pride of the Prophet, but it is also true that the people who are his devotees feel very bad. Even if this bad feeling is to be avoided, it must be avoided. Those who make such objectionable and painful statements, they should be proved wrong on the basis of facts and arguments, as Maharishi Dayanand has done in his epoch-promoting treatise ‘Satyarth Prakash’.
He has written the last 4 chapters in the review of other religions, while in the last 10 chapters he has blown his father’s mythological Hinduism. The same thing has been done by some courageous scholars of Europe and Arab countries about their respective religions and their original scriptures. Till one and a half-two hundred years ago, scholars of all religions used to openly do ‘Shastrarth’ in India. I have never heard of beatings, stone pelting or abuse in them.
The result of this is that today India is the only country of its kind in the world, where all the major religions of the world co-exist. How good it would be that some prominent religious leaders of Hindus and Muslims together take the initiative and urge both sides to observe dignity.