Such a human spirit! Greetings!

What is the humanness of man as distinct from animal? Consider the question in two images? On one side Iran’s Almighty Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and on the other side, 22-year-old Iranian girl Mahasa Amini. What answer emerges from these two images? On the one hand, despite being a human, I want to behave like sheep and goats with humans, and on the other, this stubbornness that I am a human, I want to live like a human. That’s when something amazing is happening in Iran. It has been more than a month but the heart of Iran’s religious authority has not swelled to demand women’s freedom! On 16 September, a 22-year-old girl, Mahasa Amini, was killed by torture by Iran’s Morality Police. He was jailed by the police for not covering his head properly with the hijab. The news of his death as if sparked! Iranian girls and women were shocked that we don’t have that much freedom! Are we human or animal? And girls, schoolgirls all took to the streets. In public, women shaved their heads and sounded the revolution bugle of basic freedom to live life. Against whom? Against the religion and system of that supreme religious leader, who has created a record of death sentences in the world, who has converted the people’s revolution against the 1979 monarchy into the dictatorship of Maulanas!
Women and youth are raising slogans of ‘Dictator Tera Satyanaash Ho’ against the Ayatollah in front of mosques. Young girls are challenging the Morality Police by cutting their hair off their heads. They are protesting on the streets bareheaded without wearing a hijab and wearing a black burqa. There are no official reports about how many Iranians were killed, how many injured, how many thousands were arrested due to police firing and violence, because the government has shut down the internet. There is censorship of all kinds. Despite this, salute to the young Iranian spirit, who is sending videos and news like this to the world, appealing to save us, help us.
But who will help? The Iranian people are seeking support from the BBC, Western media, European countries and the US. Undoubtedly, the free media of the world (which radical to liberal leftists describe as a capitalist tool of American propaganda) is giving voice to Iranian women. Just yesterday ‘BBC’ aired a big report. On this pretext, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his government and Iran’s security chief have bluntly warned that just today, the last day. After this, the security forces will crush the movement vigorously. Will not tolerate any more American-West conspiracy.
So what should the real people of the world do? To say, from the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations to the American, French, British government etc. have supported the movement. In cities such as London, Paris by lobbying of expatriate Iranians, civil society has led street demonstrations in support of the spirit of Iranian women. America has also imposed some restrictions. But what difference does this best dictatorship make to power? On the contrary, Tehran’s religion has a chance to say that these agitators are anti-nationals. The Liberals of America and Europe are stooges of degenerate, capitalist, materialistic societies!
Think about the eighty years of ideological conflicts, religion-race conflicts after the Second World War. Will it not emerge as the truth that as the man of the earth becomes aware of his human consciousness, his human rights, human values, his freedom to live life, he is constantly banging his head on the wall for the fact that he has to be human. Want rights to dignity, how to get them?
There are currently some eight billion humans on Earth. Of these, from China, Russia to Islamic countries, dictator countries, India-Africa, two-thirds of the people living in the darkness-superstitions have those options, tools and that courage, that torch, by which they can themselves sheep and goats. Let’s get the enclosures out of existence? Believe it or not, I believe that human beings who have a special human life different from animal life, their dignity and freedom, they again and again expect America-Europe to help them! From Iranian life or Saudi life or Hong Kong, Taiwan to freedom choice Russian, Chinese, Indian, Myanmarese, African, Ukrainian, all eyes are on America-UK-France or liberal-liberal countries. This has been so for the last eighty years. The fact is that in the horrors of Hitler’s massacre in the Second World War, Western civilization took the lead in a new way of world. Accordingly, the world order was created. America became the world’s watchman or self-styled police. And also note that the Charter of the United Nations, all its agencies have made all the proposals, charters, declarations, agreements and treaties for the dignity of human life, privacy, human rights, personal freedom in eighty years, then behind all The initiative was from the western countries. Among the five permanent members of the Security Council, the Soviet Union, or Russia and China, or India, Brazil, South Africa, or any Islamic country, has never formulated a global agenda and placed it in the United Nations, which would provide basic freedom to human beings. Can speak openly. Can wear clothes of his choice. Freedom to eat and drink, freedom to live life in private, one can lead a safe life without fear of man-eating tendencies of power and police batons.
Remember and explore the history of eighty years, filter the records of the United Nations, which countries and which countries’ civil society’s ideas and resolutions concern human rights, human dignity, human life, from the climate of the earth to the concern of true human life. born?
What are women seeking in Iran? Living in the colors of being a fat human. She doesn’t want to keep her body wrapped in gaiter black for life like a goat. To watch the black color round the clock, suffocate from moment to moment in the dictatorship of the shepherds of the Dharmasatta, worrying that they might see him with his head uprooted. Then you will have to stop at the police station. He needs a little freedom. But even if it is small, there is no difference between a woman and a country, a community, a society in the desire for freedom. Only then the matter of want of human intellect has to become dire from year to year with the globalization of the world, becoming a global village.
In this everyone wants America and Liberal Europe to do something!
Just look at the Iranian women and Ukrainian soldiers or the country of Ukraine in the prism of human freedom. In today’s talk, I salute the human spirit, I also salute the people of Ukraine and Europe. Just as the Iranian woman is not deceived by anyone, her spirit has been created by spontaneous human desire, so the people of Ukraine are also determined to independence in front of the superpower of Vladimir Putin. If the human skull has become the waves of a living community, then she would not want a sheep-goat life of slavery-devotion-horror! Dead vs Alive community, Sheep vs Goat vs Lion Heart The difference in life is freedom. Therefore, there is neither American instigation nor American and Western conspiracy behind the women of Iran or the spirit of Ukraine. Is Ukraine’s President Zelensky a business tool for US defense companies? (As in India from the Left to the devout Russian wing Hindus have been creating the narrative for the last six months) It is really interesting that the dictatorship of both Iranian Maulana and Putin is calling America a villain. So does the progressive left of the world. Means mother-in-law is western civilization, it is capitalism, due to which there is all-round destruction. So worship the trio of Putin, Xi Jinping and the Iranian Ayatollah, these dictators building the new world order! Bringing a new dawn!
I am wandering The basic thing is that a creature named man in the earth’s biosphere because it has a different kind of skull and consciousness, where there is animal DNA of primitive chimpanzee and because of that Putin, Xi Jinping and man-eating dictators of religious powers are together. It is the truth of human consciousness developed over millennia, which makes 22-year-old Mahasa Amini the strength to face the barbarism of power. So the Ukrainian people also have the zeal to show their status to the dreaded-great dictator Putin.
Yes, Putin seems to know his position. They are now in desperation heading towards the atomic, dirty bomb. Putin had previously hoped that by the onset of winter, the EU would plead with the EU to start supplies ahead of him, destroying power supply centers with missiles and freezing Ukrainians. But Putin’s hopes have been dashed. Yes, salute to the European Union, which, despite not being supplied from Russia, has stockpiled 90 percent of its winter gas. So much gas has been collected that innumerable ships that have ordered it are waiting in turn to transport it to storage by pipe carrying gas along the shore of Spain. That’s when global gas-fuel prices started falling. On the other hand, Ukrainians, despite attacks on civilian targets, without electricity, even in minus degree temperatures, surround Russian soldiers in such a way that while they are running, surrounded, Putin is trying to scare Europe with dirty bombs. Only then salute to this spirit of the European Union, which is paying all costs in support of the Ukrainian desire for independence and that too with full enthusiasm.