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Speaking is a crime!

The latest name in this list is of Sanjay Raut. Already before this, NCP leader Nawab Malik has spoken more against the Center and the ruling party there. ,Punishment, are suffering.

A few days ago, Chief Justice Justice NV Ramana had said that the process (criminal punishment) in the country has become a punishment. This is the complaint, which has been expressed by many jurists and intellectuals of the country for the last several years. Indeed, there has been an understanding that the Supreme Judiciary itself has played a role in bringing about this situation – and the tenure of Justice Ramana is no exception. The direct meaning of this situation is the nullification of the modern judicial system’s belief that a person will be presumed innocent until proven guilty. That is why the Supreme Court of India itself had once expressed the opinion that jail is the exception and bail (bail) is the rule in respect of pending cases. But today this does not seem to be applicable anywhere. The result is that speaking against the government has become such a crime, which has to be punished very harshly. Today the list of its examples is quite long. The latest name in this list is that of Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut.

Already in Maharashtra, NCP leader Nawab Malik is facing punishment for speaking excessively against the central government and the ruling party there. The talk started with the alleged Urban Naxalites and has now reached the Parliamentary Opposition parties. There is no point in saying that one who is in politics or public life should be free to commit crimes. But when only the alleged offense of the people of the opposition is being selectively implicated in a process which in itself seems to be punishment, then it becomes grounds to say that the matter here is not for the law to take its own course. . In normal days, in such cases, the expectation was from the judiciary. But now it is often complained that the judiciary has become a facilitator for such actions. The recent Supreme Court judgment in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act case has also carried forward such a notion. In such a situation, the question becomes more relevant every day whether there is really rule of law in India?

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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