nightmare come true

This question is standing in front of us that what do we want to do for our country? Do we want to take it on the path of progress or do we want to keep it in a state of untoward incidents by pushing it into a mentality of constant war?
If the apprehensions that are swirling in the mind, if they start coming true, then obviously, there is no surprise in it, but the anxiety that arises from it hurts deep inside. The incident in Udaipur is similar. The heinous murder committed in religious frenzy is an indication of the dangerous atmosphere being created in India. When emotions keep on boiling, there is always room for them to explode somewhere. The Rajasthan Police has to be praised for the fact that it caught the accused without any delay. The agility and maturity shown by the Rajasthan government to keep the situation under control should also be praised. But if all the political powers did not show responsibility after this incident and used this incident to bake political bread, then the circumstances of the nightmares which all the prudent people are living at this time will come true. And it can come out in a serious way.
This question is standing in front of us that what do we want to do for our country? Do we want to take it back on the path of progress and development or do we want to maintain the status of events like Udaipur by pushing it into a constant war mentality? It was once understood that political parties use religious and other emotional issues to gain power – but once they are in power, they take a liberal stance to control the sentiments that have been stirred up earlier. Because far from moving forward, no society can even imagine maintaining peace and stability with constantly boiling mindsets. It is unfortunate that the people to whom the power has been handed over to the people in India have seen their interest in constantly creating and instigating such a mentality. But now the situation seems to be crossing the dangerous limit. So there is a need to change the way from now on. Notions of law, crime, and justice have recently inflicted wounds on them, which now need to be healed.