Nitin Gadkari said- I am very fond of food

New Delhi. Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday said that he is a big foodie and the first serious thought that comes to his mind in the evening is what to eat and where to eat. The Union Minister further said that there has been no let up in his intention to have food.
However, the quantity of food has definitely decreased. In ‘Agenda Aaj Tak’, the minister said, “I am fond of food. The first serious issue I consider after seven in the evening is which hotel to eat and what to eat. The Union Minister said that he is a vegetarian. He said, “There has not been a decrease in the intention to eat, but there has been a decrease in eating.”
He advised people to think about their health first. He said that if Tesla founder Elon Musk wants to manufacture in India, he is welcome. He said, “If manufacturing happens in China instead of India, they will not get marketing concession. If they manufacture in any state of India, they will benefit.