Man’s Kingdom Animalia!
Earth’s human enclosure means animalism and animalism. A person without personality spends time in enclosures. maximum people without human consciousness, without human rights, without equality, There are hominid species without knowledge. those chimpanzees, Baboon, sheep goat, pig, those animal instincts of wolves etc., Whose nature is evident from human conduct. Most people are dependent Live the life of pets and cages. people’s life hunger, Fear, insecurity, Worrying about, dragging, Cattle class. brain asshole, superstitions, lies, devotion, Religion, He is the hostage of the subjugation of politics.
The mouth of the cataclysm – 15: News everyday raises heartbreaking questions about what kind of animal man is! Photos of the ruins of Ukraine, Syria or the Great War, gulags of torture, concentration camps, Auschwitz, the Holocaust, what experiences and dates like 9/11 can be forgotten? Only then words like wild, brute, savage are common for humans. It is said that in the three thousand years of the formation of human civilization, there have been more than 15 thousand wars. Five crore people died in the last world war. Then there were nuclear weapons. They are also in such a number that eight million people of the earth will now be the ashes of the cremation ground at the press of a few buttons on any given day. Think, orangutans, descendants of primates, the idea in the skulls of humans that nuclear weapons would be used if needed!
Oops! Such a mind Then the human wise or the savage? No matter how many variations of human nature can be understood in the names of orangutans, chimpanzees, orangutans, primates, homo erectus, homo neanderthal, homo sapien, homo dias, in common human instinct, man is the animal that inflicts the most violence on man. Man is an animal that performs wild experiments on his own. He is a man eater and a cannibal. Then why not tie the knot to this scientific truth that physically man is really an animal species. It’s wild, it’s wild. If the chromosomes or genes of humans and chimpanzees are 98.8 percent alike, then it is natural for humans to form the Kingdom Animalia. Beasts of animalism, beasts of beasts.
skull and animal
The question is, is the variation of one-and-a-half percent of the DNA in the human skull from that of the orangutan, promoting wildness or are they human culture, by which animality is suppressed, covered? Because of them is the biodiversity among humans from which the differences between the wild and the civilized, the ruthless and the wise are born? One aspect is the similar animal behavior of the two from the similarities in the DNA of chimpanzees versus humans. The second factor is the non-animal human nature of the split personality of man from the uneven one-half percent DNA. The third aspect is the changes in human DNA from the environment, experiences of millions of years of life.
The heredity of the mammal is the beginning of the human journey from orangutans, primates. There is scientific validation of the different development of heart-brain on the basis of genetic basis, then in the theory of ‘Social Brain Hypothesis’ and ‘Diet Hypothesis’. But with the controversy as to whether the brain is already filled with intelligence? The barbaric history of human civilization suggests that animalism in skulls has been passed down from the DNA of orangutans. Meaning the animal intelligence is already full. Whatever the size of the skull, small or large, the varying degrees of intelligence, varying levels of intelligence, and evolution from a significant small neocortex portion are decisive in human behavior. From these intricacies of cognitive development and the experience of human history, it should be assumed that neither man is a knowledgeable human (Homo sapien) nor is he going to become a god human (Homo dias) soon. Human skulls by animal genetic inheritance have maintained the kingdom Animalia of different versions of the stages of primates. Life is animalism. It has diversity, biodiversity. But in ordinary human nature is by no means the supremacy of the nature of anthropogenic humanity. It is certain that the future of man is from his past. One can say that the animalism of man is from his history of the forest. So the earth is in peril and the future is hell!
It is a matter of thinking that in the history and experience of the last six thousand years, what were the periods of human happiness and happiness, peace and contentment?
man eater and cannibal
Man is blessed with brain consciousness, wings and intelligence. The problem is that it is not available to all equally. Secondly, by this the users of knowledge-science made the subordination of human beings. Mechanics made. Only then does development take on those tendencies, due to which most people live in mechanical inertia and the collectivity of man becomes animalism.
Man is the organism in the Earth’s biomass, which has a history of man-eating and cannibalistic behavior. He kills and massacres the people of his family, clan, caste, society, country. There is no other animal in the animal society of the earth as much as man has given insecurities, pain, fear and dread to the creatures of his clan, race, caste, sorrows and sufferings of murder. Human beings have a sense of virtue, truth, humanity in the blessings of knowledge, but in spite of this, they continue to commit sin, lies and inhuman behavior. He calls the earth mother and father, motherland and fatherland. The melody of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is melodious, but neither does the motherland feel proud nor does it allow other human beings to enter its enclosure.
Then there is animalism and animalism in the human enclosures of the earth. A person without personality spends time in enclosures. Most people are hominid species without human consciousness, without human rights, without equality, without knowledge. They have taken those animal instincts of chimpanzees, langurs, sheep, goats, pigs, wolves, etc., whose nature is manifested by human conduct. Most of the people live dependent, domesticated and caged lives. Hunger, fear, insecurities, worries, people’s life moves, drags, cattle class. The mind is the hostage of hypocrisy, superstitions, lies, devotion, religion, and the subjugation of politics.
Truly, out of the population of eight billion people of the earth, there is nothing in the possession of the maximum number of humans. Their daily routine, their actions and thoughts are all mechanically driven. According to Acharya Rajneesh, someone presses the button and the electricity gets burnt, someone starts the motor and the motor starts. Man lives like a machine. Ordinarily he thinks that I am doing what I am doing.… Great unconscious, great unconscious forces work within us and they push us in one direction, push us, and we go with him.
There is a diversion. Fat fat man travel has been running in mechanics on the tracks for six thousand years. Neither he has control over the speed nor does he care about the destination.
How then is the term ‘knowledgeable man’ aka Homo sapien appropriate for eight billion people? What and where are the eight billion people of the earth living in knowledge? Are people living better, better lives, apart from animal life? Not a comparison between man and man, but take a look at the experiences of comparing animal versus man. The difference between man and man, the matter of their inequalities is dire! The shameful reality of human civilization is that it lives in more mutual inequalities than ancestral chimpanzees. How many types of animals are divided in nature, human beings! Majority of the people Cattle class of sheep and goats. Then the business class of fat pigs and the third class of pilot-shepherds who take the people of the forest in whatever direction they want! Say Hitler, Putin, come on, pick up weapons, then the destruction of humans by humans!
All ‘homo sapien’ Not!
The orangutans, the hominid clans, have created mechanical, automatic systems on Earth in just six thousand years. In this, man behaves and behaves according to his past, hereditary stories, environment in the CPU of DNA. There is an illusion that all the people of the earth are of the same mental state. Live in the same environment. Same instincts, same intelligence, same genetic structure. All ‘Knowledgeable Humans’ are ‘Homo sapiens’. This assumption is wrong. Biodiversity is the essence of the biological composition of humans. Therefore, the species of different descendants of the clans named Orangutans, Manus, Homo, Hominid have formed the human enclosure on Earth, within which there are many boundary walls of the Kingdom Animalia with variations. There are different forms of animalism.
It’s all direct. There are human tragedies of six thousand years of written history.
But man is not ready to accept the truth. In the skull of man, the memory of his past is filled that he is strong. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is the creature of the winning saga of survival of the fittest and the best, so how is that a good animal! He is the best-knowing human. In some eight thousand years from 6000 BC to 1850 AD, man has maintained his superiority in his memories by animal husbandry, animal food. He killed animals like lion, elephant, parrot, myna etc., kept them in cages, domesticated them, then why not become important in human beings? He is the master who can control all. If he carries tools, sticks, arrows, then where does the animal world stand in front of him. That mighty, that owner, entitled to ownership, having the skull to make cages, to be domesticated, it is only natural that, despite having 98.9 percent animal genes, animal instincts, he believes that he is a knowledgeable human!
This illusion of human skull is keeping the distinction between humans. The hominid’s hereditary humans stored all the experiences of avoiding animals, fighting, controlling them, domestication, hunting, beginning of animal husbandry in the life of the jungle, it became the idea in the arrogant skulls that the humans of other tribes had ownership over them. can be made. They can be kept in cages. Can be domesticated. When jungle lions, leopards, bears, elephants are controlled with tools, sticks and weapons. If it is possible to use them, then why is it not possible to use other tribes, capture other people in the same way, use them?
In fact, the Kingdom of Human Animalia is derived from the Kingdom of Animalia of the Jungle. The competition of ‘Survival of the fittest’ in the jungle and the ‘Survival of the fittest’ among human beings in destiny itself has started the formation of civilizations. Civilizations have developed and fallen. There is history, there is present.
agriculture and human nature
There are two chapters in this story. The first chapter is about man becoming the king of the jungle with tools, fire and hunting, animal husbandry. Second, the chapter on trying out man’s experience of victory over animals after starting farming. The first chapter belongs to the period before 6000 BC. Then there was human life of animal husbandry, hunting and jungle. According to the latest archaeological discovery, after 6000 BC, cultivation started in the fertile triangle of the middle of the Indus Valley from Sumer. Then human settlements became tribal villages, from which forest behavior was created among humans. The use of tools, arrows, sticks started in human relationships.
Civilization began to form. Some two and a half thousand years ago, Plato called man a political animal only in the mindfulness of the use of tools, sticks and weapons in the behavior of man versus man. Then there was that human creation, from which human relationships became permanent, ruler versus ruled, master versus slave and salutation to miracles.
Therefore, the existence of the earth for millions of millions of years, the deterioration or development of man in the journey of two lakh years of Homo sapiens, is the total period of the last four to ten thousand years. As far as human suddenly becoming a bhasmasur is concerned, it is from the industrial revolution of two hundred and fifty years old. Two and a half hundred years ago the climate, the environment, the earth were all normal. After that, the earth has become boiling in five to ten generations of human beings, so the root cause is human ego of wild tendencies. Human beings are mechanical. He has to live unbridled in hallucinations. Destruction is created by development. Devarshis, the blessings of the knowledge-science of the wise-scientists have to be burnt to ashes. (Ongoing)