look at unemployment

According to the data of the Periodic Labor Force Survey, there was a decline in unemployment in the first year of the epidemic i.e. 2020-21 as compared to 2019-20 in the country. The unemployment rate in 2019-20 was 4.8. In 2020-21, it had fallen to 4.2. Would you easily believe this?
Take an example of how government statistics paint a wrong picture on basic matters of livelihood. According to the data of the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) of the National Statistical Office (NSO), which came recently, unemployment declined in the first year of the epidemic i.e. 2020-21 as compared to 2019-20 in the country. The unemployment rate in 2019-20 was 4.8. In 2020-21, it had fallen to 4.2. Would you easily believe this? Those who have to deal with the ground situation every day, they can only chew their fingers under their teeth after hearing this. But now know the truth of these figures. This means that only 4.2 percent of the people who were looking for employment during this period did not get employment.
Significantly, it was revealed from the Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) survey that this rate is 39.3 percent. This means that less than 40 per cent of the people between the employable age (15 to 59 years) are looking for employment. Clearly, the majority of these are those who have given up hope of finding a respectable job and have thus distanced themselves from the job market. The official figures are in stark contrast to all other figures that have come out so far. All the reviews that have been done at the national and international level so far, it has come to the fore that lakhs of people lost their jobs in the first year of the pandemic. According to the World Bank, the unemployment rate in India had reached eight percent. The unemployment rate in India is recorded at 5.3 percent in 2019 and six percent in 2021, according to World Bank data. According to a report by the Center for Economic Data and Analysis based on the International Labor Organization’s database, India’s unemployment rate increased to 7.11 percent in 2020. According to the Center, the unemployment rate in 2019 was 5.27 percent.