This Indian was the first employee of Tesla’s Autopilot team, Elon Musk made a big disclosure

Elon Musk: Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk, who recruited via social media, has revealed that the first employee of his electric vehicle company’s ‘Auto Pilot’ team was Indian-origin Ashok Elluswami. Musk said, ‘Tesla’s Auto Pilot team is extremely skilled. It includes some of the most skilled people in the world.
Elon Musk tweeted
Responding to a video related to his interview, Musk tweeted, ‘Ashok was the first person to be recruited through my tweet and with this I said that Tesla is starting an Auto Pilot team.’ Actually, Ashok is the head of Auto Pilot Engineering, he said.
Ashok was earlier associated with Volkswagen
Before joining Tesla, Ashok was associated with Volkswagen’s Electronics Research Laboratory. He is a graduate in ‘Electronics and Communication Engineering’ from an engineering college in Chennai. Ashok holds a master’s degree in Robotic Systems Development from Carnegie Malone University in Pennsylvania. According to Forbes magazine, Elon Musk, the founder of electric car maker Tesla, is the richest person in the world.
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