Emphasis on finding a way out of opinion

Bhopal. The formation of city governments is now in the final stage, this process will be completed in a week, but on the lines of “End is good, all is well”, both the parties are insisting on making a referendum in the election of BJP and Congress President because the way the councilors There is a situation of “one pomegranate hundred sick” among them, there is also the possibility of rebellion, to prevent which the councilors have been barricaded.
In fact, due to the way party allegiance has been lost in the elections of Panchayati Raj and urban bodies so far, if the situation of elections is created anywhere, the result can go either way. In the past, many such examples have come to the fore in which the members have promised to vote on both sides in the election of the district president and the district panchayat president and vice-president. Behind this, whether it is greed, greed or pressure effect, and wherever elections came, there were surprises. This is the reason that both the parties are engaged in making an opinion poll so that there is no chance of elections.
However, wherever there is very little difference in the number of councilors of BJP and Congress, there is more conflict and where any party has more councilors than the majority, there is turmoil within the party, but after the opinion polls, there is an uncontested situation. And for this all kinds of efforts are being made. Be it the ruling party BJP or the opposition Congress, no stone is being left unturned under the supervision of the councillors. At the same time, in the elections of the Municipal Council and Municipality, the ruling party BJP has improved its position in many places after the elections, where independent councilors have been included in the party.
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Observers are being sent by the party to all the urban body areas, where they will create a consensus situation by consulting the party office bearers, MLAs, MPs, ministers and councilors. The biggest problem for the party is in those urban areas where the leaders of the party are giving air to the opposition leaders to humiliate their opponents due to factionalism. Party leaders are forgetting while doing this, in this affair, the party has suffered a lot in Chambal Vindhya and Mahakaushal. The party is dealing with each other and if the same thing happens in the election of presidents, then the party will have to face even more difficulties. However, the party leadership has been cautious and careful, in which the local MLA has been entrusted with the task of conducting an opinion poll and if they are not successful, then the observers will conduct elections after consulting the councilors.
Overall, in the last phase of the urban body elections, opinion is being given for the election of the presidents, so that the situation of elections is not created and party education has to be faced?