Discom dues reduced to Rs 713 crore

New Delhi. Dues of power distribution companies (discoms) have come down sharply to Rs 713.29 crore. It is noteworthy that the company had an outstanding of Rs 5,085.30 crore as on August 17. The discoms had to pay this amount to the power generation companies (Gencos). This reduction in arrears happened due to strict action taken against defaulting units.
The defaulting units were barred from trading in power exchanges under the Electricity (Delay Payment Surcharge and Related Matters), Rules 2022 notified by the Ministry of Power. National Grid Operator Electricity System Operations Corporation Limited (POSOCO) had asked three power exchanges – IEX, PXIL and HPX – to ban the trading of electricity by 27 discoms in 13 states. These discoms were owed to Gencos.
The latest information on payment surcharge arrears on Prati portal shows that three discoms in Karnataka and one in Jammu and Kashmir have a total outstanding of Rs 713.29 crore as on September 16, 2022. This figure was Rs 5,085.30 crore as on August 17, 2022. (Language)