Balon Ke Liye Yoga: Increase hair growth with yoga, know how to do it and its benefits

Balon Ke Liye Yoga: Although yoga leaves many major diseases and benefits the body in many ways, but do you know that doing yoga also benefits your hair a lot. Yes, you can also eliminate the problems related to your hair by doing yoga and you can add beauty to their beauty. So today we are going to tell you about the yoga asanas for hair, which will help in increasing your hair and making them thick.
Which yoga should be done for hair (Balon Ke Liye Kaun Sa Yoga Karna Chahiye)
If you want to get rid of hair related problems and want to make your hair long, thick, then you can get benefits by practicing these 5 yogasanas. By doing the yoga asanas we are going to tell today, you will start seeing the benefits very soon.
Vajrasana Yoga Pose (Photo Credits – Social Media)
Vajrasana is such an easy yoga, which you can do even after eating food. By doing this yoga, along with your body, hair will also benefit a lot. By doing Vajrasana, the blood circulation in the body is good and the problem of hair gets rid of. Not only this, it is helpful in reducing stress, which also removes the problem of your hairfall.
Method of doing Vajrasana (Vajrasana Karne Ki Vidhi)- First of all, bend your knees and sit on the ground and place both hands on the thighs. Now close your eyes and take long breaths. By doing this regularly, you will start seeing results soon.
Downward facing posture (Photo Credits – Social Media)
Adho Mukha Svanasana
This yoga asana improves blood circulation on the head. By the practice of this asana, oxygen reaches the scalp of the head, due to which the length of the hair grows quickly. Not only this, it is also considered useful for calming the mind. In such a situation, if you want to make your hair long, then you can practice this yoga asana.
How to do Downward Asana (Adho Mukha Svanasana Karne Ka Tarika)- To do the Adho Mukha Asana, lie on the ground upside down. After this, by lifting your hips, bring the body in a V shape. After coming in this posture, breathe for 5 to 7 times and then come back to the same position. You can do this asana 5 to 10 times.
How to do Kapalbhati (Photo Credits – Social Media)
This yoga asana is very easy. In Kapalbhati you have to take deep breaths. This yoga asana removes toxins from the body and increases the supply of oxygen. By doing this, stress and anxiety are also reduced, which is considered to be the main reason behind hair loss. In such a situation, if you practice this asana, then your hair growth will also happen quickly.
How to do Kapalbhati (Kapalbhati Karne Ka Tarika)- To do this yoga posture, first of all sit in a comfortable posture. Keep your head and spine straight and now close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through the nostrils of both the nostrils and while exhaling draw the stomach. Do not apply too much force while exhaling.
Sarvangasana Mudra (Photo Credits – Social Media)
This asana strengthens the muscles and by doing it, the blood circulation on the head also increases. This yogasana is considered beneficial in removing the problem of dryness and thinning of hair. Sarvangasana works by eliminating the problem of hair fall and improving their growth.
Method of doing Sarvangasana (Sarvangasana Karne Ka Tarika)- This yoga asana is also called shoulder stand. To do this, lie on your back and raise your legs, hips and waist upwards. In Sarvangasana, put all the weight of your legs, hips and waist on your shoulders. You can support the back with your hands for balance. Keep the legs straight. Now take a long deep breath and stay in this posture for at least 30 seconds.
How to do Balasan (Photo Credits – Social Media)
It is clear from the name of this yoga asana that it will work to benefit your hair. Regular practice of this asana relieves stress, which reduces hair fall and helps in hair growth. It is also advised to do this asana to get rid of any stomach related problem.
Method of doing Balasana Yoga (Balasana Karne Ka Tarika)- First of all sit in Vajrasana and keep your spine straight. Now while inhaling, take both the hands up and while exhaling, bend the upper part of your waist forward with the hands. Keeping the hands straight, put the head on the ground. You have to stay in this posture for 30 seconds. Then come back to Vajrasana posture.