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Animals first, then humans!

mammal Homo of beings, hominid, orangutans, The skulls and brains of chimpanzees, primates descendants have tendencies of animal genes. From their different evolution, humans have memories of the diversity of primitive, tribal, semi, and complete development. The number one feature of the skulls of orangutans is the accumulation of memory in the brain. From this man is the manifestation of existence, identity, nature, differences. … Memory, past and history perception is the only difference between human beings and animals. His being human is from memory.

Doomsday mouth – 14: Imagine if an organism somewhere in space looks at the earth with a telescope, what will be the difference in biomass of animals and eight billion people on the surface? No. The biological world is a canvas. Human beings are also a part of other animals in this. Earth’s biomass biomass is barely two and a half percent. Of these, human biomass is only 0.01 percent. Think, the share of eight billion humans in the biological existence of the earth is just 0.01 percent. So first of all, Earth is a kingdom animal in the universe. In this, man may consider himself to be a superior, separate being, but in reality he is an organism in the biomass of 87 lakh types of animals. Her orangutan species is somewhat smarter than the rest of the animals, but on the contrary, she has become a self-destructor, the destroyer of the earth.

The human mind has animal instincts, animal genomies. Despite this, he considers himself intelligent. In fact, it is the split personality of animal and human. It has first animal biological composition. Then there is the split personality of the unconscious versus the sudh, the wild versus the civilized, the fearless versus the fearless, Narasimha Avatar. If that is development, then there is also destruction. Cattle class, the reality of the majority of humans, is the life of an orangutan. But that wise man lives in the pretext of being homo sapiens.

Memory and Alzheimer’s

The biosphere is divided into two parts (invertebrate versus vertebrate, ossified-non-volatile). Mammals of its invertebrate group i.e. mammals, Homo, hominid, orangutans, chimpanzees, primates descendants have tendencies of animal genes in skull and brain. This is why the human mind beats differently. Human beings have memories of the diversity of primitive, tribal, semi, and complete development from different evolution of trends. The number one feature of the skulls of orangutans is the accumulation of memory in the brain. From this man is the manifestation of existence, identity, nature, differences. Memory means memory. This is the reason why the human brain works differently among 87 lakh types of animals. Man is human.

Ever consider a person suffering from Alzheimer’s, a patient without memory. It is without memory, without care. His biological body is neither human nor orangutan. The body is as if empty. That experience, understanding, completely void in consciousness, empty. His mortal body like an unconscious animal. When a healthy, intelligent man has Alzheimer’s disease in old age, the memory of the brain gradually disappears and finally completely ends in the brain as if the consciousness of the senses ends. The patient of Alzheimer’s is unable to eat, drink, walk, recognize, etc. This is true proof that memory, past and history perception are the only differences between humans and animals. His being human is from memory. The difference between more and less of memory, right-wrong and dependent-independent behavior is the condition and behavior of a half-man, a fully knowledgeable man. Cattle, business, pilot and Einstein class have different lives among humans.

Genetic CPU

The whole game is about memory. Its a collection! The accumulator of memory is the human skull. Its processing is done by nerves, chemicals located in the brain of the skull. Then it moves. In truth and falsehood, in gullibility or understanding, the behavior of life is made. The CPU for the process of memory maintenance and operation is embedded in the fabric of biological DNA or genes. Fat is a natural, basic biological composition of all mammals, the mammal. Its differences are made up of stages, environment, evolution. If you want, you can tag those differences in the names of hominid, chimpanzee, primates, orangutans, humans, homo, homo sapiens, homo deus. Smartness can be identified. The skulls of all the descendants of hominids, smartness due to the texture of the genetic CPU of the brain, with more or less the same results and different appearances.

Understand this in the truth of biology that the offspring of the Felidae family are lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards and cats. Due to the gradual development of circumstances, environment, the offspring of the family are with different types of tendencies, traits, changed genes. Knowing this, science has made new cats by mixing different DNA. So animals like lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards and cats of the Felidae family have different smartness, so why will there not be smartness, difference in mental development, biodiversity of the human lineage of Homo species of the orangutan family? But the theory of evolution has divided human beings into Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid and then their sub-divisions in appearance, stature, body texture, but understanding the differences in memory, tendencies and mental state of human species, In their classification, anthropology has been lagging behind.

memory of the five natures

Orangutans, humans, hominids, Homo sapiens, while living in calamities and calamities, have kept the hereditary memories of curiosity, fear, insecurity, hunger and free-nomadic life deep in the mind. This is hereditary transfer. Therefore, the species of the family has a vast accumulation of memories in comparison with the rest of the animals and is conscious of it. He believes that in the primate stage, the five experiences of curiosity, fear, insecurity, hunger and free-nomadic life in orangutans were deeply, permanently imprinted.

The shocks, inspirations, memories of these five experiences made the nature of human species. Mental development took place. From these is the evolution and destruction of man. From these there are human bio differences of merits and demerits and biological composition. There are different stages of biological development. It is possible that in the primates stage, Homo, Hominid, Homo sapien have also included the experiences of other animals, especially sheep, goats, various birds, snakes, rabbits, turtles, lions, wolves etc. Behavior like them has been selected from the environment. Whose genetic refinement has created dimensions in the intellect at a cyclical speed.

These are not fantasies. Rather, the cognition of the human skull, the process of cognition, the science of genetic fabrication, is the subject of psychological research into mood. The accumulation of memories in the skull of man, in their effect and development lies in the illusion of man. The biological life of primitive man has progressed in different ways, ripening in mental experiences, environmental variations. Innumerable seeds of behavior of family, society, life, fight etc were sown out of curiosity, fear, insecurity, hunger. Life cycle. He had a hereditary accumulation after birth. Behavior-habit-behavior. When the environment was created from them too, the environment gave them more expansion. The experiences grew, grew and developed. Accordingly, there were complications in the psychological nature. There was a difference in the mental development of people and populations. Where the chimpanzee jumps and jumps on foot, adapting to the wisdom of simple behavior, the human is flying in the spaceship.

The truth to be noted here is that between chimpanzees, like humans, the difference in mental condition, tendencies, development of intelligence from cage-pet vs free-living environment is evidenced by cognitive research.

However, by the power of memories and their accumulation, man is a special animal. If memory is missing, then man is passing time in a biologically mortal and helpless sheep-goat state. If the upper biological part of the human skull is cut, or if it is made lifeless by some injection, then man will be the most passed animal among the mammals. The tragic reality is that man has made such conditions, such an environment possible by himself, from which he lives life as an animal in a brainwashed state. In stout, family and lineage inheritance, cognitive texture, split personality of Homo sapiens in tendencies first animal genes and instincts then upper human face and brain cognitive structure. There are stories again from the Narasimha incarnation of animal biological creation and mind consciousness. There is no doubt that the matter of the miraculousness of these stories, the richness of material memories, experiences, achievements is wonderful and incomparable.

That’s why in spite of science and truth the human mind does not accept that he is an animal! He is the collector of all animal instincts and the one super animal of their set!

denial of animal heritage

Man considers himself great, separate and different from animals because of memory. Because he is the most forceful in the animal world and kills and kills other animals, then he thinks that he is different from them. Because of that there is creation. And this creation, this earth is powered by God’s creation, his algorithms, computing power. Obviously, as a man thinks, he believes in the knowledge he lives in. He thinks about the rest of the animals that their body is a lump of meat. Their birth and death are meaningless whereas our birth and death are special. Whereas according to the genetic insights of science man is an animal. There is nothing extra biological in him so that he calls himself a special creation of the universe and a scapegoat to animals!

The puzzle is whether man is considered to be a genetically enriched animal or a mechanical machine automated with memory, genes? The puzzle is that how and what is the bio-diversity in the texture of the biological composition of the human body? Is this due to the difference in the variations of the human lineage of hominid, primates, orangutans, homo sapiens becoming partial, half, full humans or is it due to evolution over the journey of two million years? The matter of distinction between man and man is serious. The genetic truth of human bio-diversity is maintaining that huge human enclosure within the animal farm of the earth, within which there are variety of stories, human species living in the boundary walls. Whose nature is of continuous battles of tere-me, caste-caste, identities, conflicts, inequalities, exploitation.

Then the question is why and for how long? How long will your hunger and blindness last in the consciousness of man? And is this not the reason for both development and destruction? Some human species are living in super splendor, so their life is also Bhasmasuri. The common hunger of eight billion people, where termites are for the earth, the same lustful hunger is the evil enemy of the earth! That’s why it seems that no matter how man is, the behavior of his kingdom Animalia is man-eater for himself and incineration for the earth! (Ongoing)

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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