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All right message!

When it comes to the labor market, So there is no importance of such actions in it, From which people do not have a fixed income. How many people like this will be there? Who would be doing such volunteering voluntarily? 21 of working age women eight years ago percent was in the labor market. Now this number 9 percentage is left.

Fortunately, the government has not challenged the veracity of the latest data about the job market. But he has offered a different interpretation of those figures. The statistics are that more than 60 percent of the total working population of India is out of labor. That is, these are the people who are not looking for employment. Clearly, the vast majority of these are those who did not expect to find work according to their ability or need. So in desperation, he got himself out of this market. When the Narendra Modi government came to power, 46 per cent of the working population (18 to 60 years) was involved in the labor market. Now the number is around 39.5 percent. These figures have been released by the Center for Monitoring of Indian Economy (CMI). Since the government has stopped the periodic employment-unemployment survey, the only source of information about this remains the CMIE survey.

When the discussion on the latest figures of this institution intensified, the Union Labor Ministry issued its reply on it. It said- ‘It is important to note that all those of working age may not be working or looking for work. But a large part of these groups may be pursuing education or may be doing work that does not pay salaries. May be a large part is involved in domestic work, which also does not get salary. The education thing in them is fine. But when it comes to the labor market, there is no importance of such activities, which do not bring a fixed income to the people. After all, how many people will be there who will be doing such volunteering voluntarily? CMIE reports that eight years ago 21 per cent of working-age women were in the labor market. Now this number has come down to 9 percent. Obviously, most of these women would be engaged in household chores. But is this a healthy situation and has he done it voluntarily? Or is it because of deteriorating labor market conditions? Has the government assessed the damage caused to the economy due to the non-productive work of such a large section of the working population?

Shubham Bangwal

Shubham Bangwal is a Senior Journalist at You can follow him on Twitter @sb_0fficial

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