Respect to the brave in Delhi BJP!

What message the BJP wants to convey by giving public respect to the BJP workers who have been arrested for vandalizing or vandalizing Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence, only the BJP knows, but BJP engaged in preparing the political ground in Delhi will be able to gain something from such antics. Opponents are not even the people of the opposing party. Just see that after being released on bail, these riots were first glorified at the state headquarters and then by the Yuva Morcha. On the one hand, the rioters were being honored and on the other hand the police was trying to pick up the disciple of a former Union Minister.
Like this Netaji has been a former mayor as well, but due to his masculinity, he stood in the field, but when the police followed, Netaji remembered the minister. Well, if I got bail, there was no shame, otherwise I would have been sweating inside today. Now even though people are saying that on the one hand the boss is talking about development, on the other hand the state president advises his disciples to sabotage or riot. So by the power of the President. Let there be confusion, but who will answer these questions arising in the minds of the people. Will the BJP make a comeback in Delhi like this, or will the president be able to win an election?
And more so when the Speaker is said to be in the mood to contest the by-election of Rajendra Nagar Vidhan Sabha in Delhi. Now the state president has thrown his dice, but people are not ready to accept him more than a blown cartridge in front of Kejriwal. It was a different matter that the President would consider himself a big player with this game, but the way senior leaders of Delhi distanced themselves from the program, their experience is reflected in it. It is good for your BJP that if the high command is looking for an alternative to Kejriwal or a broom in Delhi, then at least first Delhi would have considered such a team of BJP as well. Otherwise, only Delhi will tell how much time BJP has left in this Delhi.