
Zika virus in UP: Alert issued across the state, health department issued instructions to all hospitals. 1 News Track English

Zika virus in UP: An alert has been declared in the entire state only after Zika virus infected people were found in Kanpur. So far 10 people from Kanpur have been reported to be infected with Zika virus. In view of this, the Lucknow Health Department has issued instructions to all government and private hospitals, nursing homes and pathology. Let us tell you that Zika virus is a new mosquito-borne disease (zika virus kya hai). The Zika virus belongs to the genus Flavivirus and the family Flaviviridae. Keeping this in mind, vigilance is very important to prevent Zika virus.

Zika virus symptoms

• Traveled two weeks ago to a country where Zika disease has spread.

• Fever and body rash (rashes).

• Fever (37.2 C) or higher.

• Joint or muscle pain.

• Redness of eyes (Non purulent conjunctivitis or Conjuctival hyperacmia).

• Feeling of pain and heaviness in the head.

Zika virus treatment

• Instructions have been given by the Health Department to all private and government hospitals that control of Zika virus disease should be done by regular vector surveillance and integrated management.

• Survey of water collecting vessels for the presence of mosquito larvae and pupae (House index, Container index, Breteau Index and Pupae index) should be done regularly.

• Adult mosquitoes should be surveyed by landing/biting collection, resting collection and oviposition trap.

• Use of larval destroying insecticides and larval feeder fishes are useful in underground water storage places, large water bodies etc. for vector control.

Zika virus is new for India- Dr. Bipin Puri (Vice Chancellor, KGMU)

KGMU VC Dr. Bipin Puri said in the conversation that “This virus is not new to the world. It is believed to have its origin in Africa. But, it can be called new for India. Right now the state. I have come across only one case. But, it is important to be careful.” He said that “this virus also spreads through mosquito bites, so only preventive measures for dengue and malaria will apply to it.”

RRT teams are already formed in the capital

Dr. KP Tripathi, Nodal Officer and Deputy CMO, National Vector Borne Disease Control said that “RRT ie Rapid Response Teams are already working at all CHCs of Lucknow. Like dengue, chikungunya, malaria there is also Zika virus. This is also caused by the bite of Aedes species mosquito. All community health centers have been alerted for prevention and treatment.

taja khabar aaj ki uttar pradesh 2021, latest news today’s Uttar Pradesh 2021


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