
young generation and market

Rajkumar Bharadwaj

For the last two decades, there is a continuous dialogue in India about the change in the younger generation. Many people call this generation wiser than the old generation, while many call it disorderly. All the national and regional political parties of the country play bets on them, then all national-multinational business, industrial, business houses are making plans to shine their future by keeping this generation at the center. From brinjal ka bharta, chokha, churma, momos makers, vendors to potato chips makers, Google and those doing business of religion and spirituality, everyone aims to woo the youth.

New studies show that the younger generation is increasingly moving towards the Charvaka philosophy ‘Yavat jeeveta, sukham jeeveta, ronam kritva ghritam pivet’. Young people working in private companies on small wages are buying cars on installments. Living in expensive rented houses. They are spending a lot on pizza-burgers, cigarettes, alcohol, clubs, fun and travel. His hobby is staying in expensive hotels. This generation uses smart phones so fast that sometimes it seems as if the smart phone is enjoying it. It is being said that this generation of the country is enjoying life, but it seems that big companies are printing dollars on the basis of this generation.

According to a study, in the last three-four years, the practice of sharing economy has increased rapidly among the youth of India. Young people are sharing vehicles from sources like ‘bla-bla’. It is a different matter that most of the boys and girls like to share the car journey. From ‘Blah-blah’ a man booked a sharing car through his niece, when the owner of the car came to know that the booker was not the girl, his uncle was going in it, the gentleman took his car and went to Jaipur alone . By the way, this generation, which is more open about relationships than necessary, is also putting its future in danger in this matter.

Sociologist Balwan Singh says, ‘This generation needs opposite sex friends at a young age. Mostly they are more knowledgeable than their teachers. In the matter of food, language and dress, this generation is addicted to the West. He does not believe in meaningful dialogue. There is an absolute lack of honesty in relationships. Keeps ahead in betting or betting on IPL. She takes pride in breaking the traffic rules. He has no qualms about abusing. Wants to avoid conflict, wants to get everything by shortcut.

In the last few years, this generation refrains from talking when a large number of soldiers leave the army, healthy and six foot soldiers do not come to join the army. There has been an increase in fanaticism regarding caste and creed. Subjects like respect for elders and helping the needy are on the agenda of very few youths. She does not even know about time loyalty.

Most of the companies that offer lucrative advertisements like Eat, Drink and Get not only give misleading advertisements, but also misleading information about their food products after taking surveys. A multinational company recently claimed that the young generation of the country is more serious towards health than the last several generations, but if this were the case, then the prevalence of alcohol, cigarettes, pizza, burgers, soft drinks would not increase so much in the country. This company said that this generation is comparatively more patriotic than its older generations, if this was the case, then fast food harmful to the body would not have increased so much in the country and the country’s money would not have gone abroad.

There is only one god of the market, that is profit and only profit. Today the businessman wants to earn money in any way. Hence the market players are also changing the traditions and definitions of the society. That’s why there are fake surveys in the first place. Then the purchased economists are made to make statements on their desired definitions. Then many teachers and colleges are commissioned to read such books, in which the youth are told that saving is a bad thing. People from the primitive world have been saving since fifty years. Chanakya has described saving for emergency as the basic mantra of household. How ‘saving’ became irrelevant in these fifty years.

Secondly, the principle of saving never leads to a downturn in the market. The person deposits the money in the bank. When the capital is accumulated, he spends it on ornaments, children’s higher education, house, marriage. Spends more money on some special occasions. Ultimately that money reaches the market itself. Savings money is kept in banks. Money in the bank does not remain idle. Banks use that money to give loans to the self-employed, businessmen and entrepreneurs on a daily basis. This increases the business. Saving money is never responsible for a downturn in the market. Your money continues to have monetary liquidity in the market through the bank. The market, a nexus of many economists, academics and colleges are working at a very fine level to instill a sense of luxury among the youth to put everything into the market.

In a study conducted in the year 2017 it was said that the present generation of India will be happier and happier than their fathers. Wonder! This generation, who eats alcohol, cigarettes, pizza, burgers, drinks soft drinks like water, spends day and night on smart phones, bashing the country for small things, threatening to go abroad, in front of which Parents have surrendered for fear of being rebellious, how will you be happy?

A girl writes on digital media about youth, ‘Some want cash, some want ashe’. Another comment- ‘Some die in love, some live for love’. Sociologists say that many of today’s youth are so pampered that many have forgotten that even walking is a thing. They know nothing but scooty, motorbike and car. Many times the allegation on the youth today seems to be true that he is busy in himself. A psychologist says, ‘The youth spend a lot of time in the coffee shop, they are completely indifferent to the environment around them.’ The younger generation is more creative than the previous generations.

Technology has also given him better and more opportunities in this matter. Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay used to say, ‘Youth can do better for both himself and the nation by integrating technology with indigenous language, costume, culture and traditions.’ He used to say, ‘There is no need to be a slave to technology, nor does it have to do with our social prestige. Is our selflessness a mere imitation of the West? Young people have a wealth of energy. The youth need to brainstorm on this. In the interest of the nation, this is the right time for the youth to go to America, to wear America, to come out of the mentality of being America. Because the Prime Minister and the government of the country are raising the self-respect of the youth of the nation through self-employment.

The post Young Generation and Bazaar appeared first on Jansatta.


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