These 4 multibagger stocks gave up to 300 percent returns in the year 2021, do you have any?

Top Multibagger Stocks: The Indian stock market has set new records in the last few months. A large number of large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap stocks have given multibagger returns in 2021. Today we are telling you about 5 Multibagger Penny Stocks of Sugar Industry, which have made their investors rich in a very short time. Let’s take a look at these.
Bajaj Hindustan Sugar
This multibagger penny stock has gained a lot in the last one month. In the last one month, its share price has increased from Rs 14.50 per stock to Rs 16.60. It has given about 14.50 percent return to its shareholders in this period. Apart from this, till now in the year 2021, this sugar stock has increased from Rs 6.15 per stock to Rs 16.60 per share. During this period, its prices have registered an increase of about 170 percent.
Dharani Sugars & Chemicals
This multibagger penny stock of the year 2021 has gained about 11 percent in the last one month. Whereas in the last 6 months it has increased from Rs 6.40 per stock to Rs 21.05. There has been an increase of about 230 percent in this period. Year after year, this stock has increased from Rs 5.70 per share to Rs 21.05 per share level. An increase of about 270 percent was recorded in this period.
KM Sugar Mills
This sugar stock has given 12.50 percent return in the last one month, while its prices have increased from Rs 12.50 to Rs 28.30 in the last 6 months. It has given a return of about 125 percent in this period. In the year 2021, its prices have increased from Rs 11.90 per stock to Rs 28.30 per share level. It has given about 135 per cent return to the shareholders during this period.
Simbhaoli Sugars
The price of this multibagger penny stock has increased from Rs 26.15 per stock to Rs 31.20 per stock in last one month. It has given about 19.50 percent return in this period. The stock price has increased from Rs 7.65 per share to Rs 31.20 per share in the last 6 months. There has been an increase of about 305 percent in this period. In the year 2021, this Chinese stock has given about 295 percent return to its shareholders.
Disclaimer: (The information provided here is for informational purposes only. It is important to mention here that investing in the market is subject to market risks. Always consult an expert before investing money as an investor. Anyone from Also investing money is never advised here.)
Also read: Multibagger Stock Tips: This is the choice of brokerage firm Motilal Oswal for top midcap stocks, know about them
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