This cool feature came on WhatsApp, users will now be able to chat on their own, know what is this feature – The Facts
WhatsApp is constantly experimenting with something or the other. WhatsApp has rolled out a new fun feature. Now you can chat with yourself under this feature. Whats now was working on Self-chat for a long time.
However, this feature of self chat is only for select WhatsApp users. For now, only beta app users will be able to use this feature. Through this feature, you can now easily save your important files and access them later by creating a single-person chat window.
Beta users can check this new feature by going to their contact page. In the contact page you will get Me (you) option. Along with this, Message Yourself will also be written in the form of subtext.
Let us tell you that this feature is available only for beta users as of now. Common consumers will have to wait a while to use this new feature.