
heavy warning to china

New Delhi, This is the first time that the intelligence agencies of both the US and the UK have issued a warning about China. The heads of the American intelligence agency FBI and the British agency MI5 have issued a warning about China. Both said that China is the biggest threat to Western countries in the long run. He said- China is planning to rob our secrets and wants to steal technology.

The heads of the intelligence agencies of both the countries have come together for the first time and have warned the world about the growing threat of China. FBI chief Chris Wray said – China’s Communist Party is rapidly moving towards a monopoly. This is the biggest challenge for us. China is trying to steal our technology. Intends to capture our business and market as well. Ken McCallum, head of British intelligence agency MI5, said – Our spies are investigating seven times more in China than in 2018. The Chinese Communist Party is interested in the democratic, media and legal systems of other countries for its own benefit.

Beijing, on the other hand, has dismissed the allegations of the US and Britain, calling them completely baseless. A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Britain said in a statement – ​​the so-called cases about which the warnings have been made are baseless. To tarnish China’s political system, they are spreading all kinds of lies about China. By doing this they are provoking anti-Chinese and Chinese boycott sentiments.

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