
Netaji changed the tone if BJP happened

Why did an Akali leader from Delhi join the BJP that he started considering himself a God in politics? He never hesitates to make outrageous statements against the leader of any opposition party. Now they are giving this to save their skin in the party or it is a different matter only to shine their politics, but the stature of Netaji a few days ago was probably not like this or even before. If the Congress leader was arrested last week, then these Netajis may have got a chance to shine politics. Said Sidhu will destroy wherever he goes. Or that Sidhu is enough to destroy the Congress. Now someone should ask these Netajis that Sidhu has been sent to jail on the orders of the court, who will he destroy there, and who will he settle there. Or who have been destroyed by those who have been sent to jail earlier?

It is good that his Netaji joined the BJP while on the occasion, otherwise the police would have been looking for him today. After all, how many cases have been registered against Netaji while in the Gurdwara committee, he is aware of it. Now when a former Congress minister from Punjab has accused Sidhu that Sidhu belongs to BJP, he has ruined the Congress in Punjab or that if Sidhu should not join BJP, then how could Netaji keep silent. As soon as Sidhu was sentenced to one year in a murder case, his Netaji also became alert and made a statement against Sidhu. Well, in what way and for what purpose his Netaji would have given this statement against Sidhu, it is only when the former Congress minister of Punjab said that his Netaji was behind Sidhu’s punishment, then somewhere Netaji’s statement It shows their concern. And especially when there are few Sikh and Muslim leaders in the BJP. That is why after Netaji’s statement, Sikh leaders have to understand that whether these Netajis are afraid that in the circumstances in which Netaji had joined BJP, similarly Sidhu was compelled to join BJP.

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