government job deer

in eight years 22.05 Crores of people had applied for government jobs. think, Only 7.22 Lakhs of people got jobs. Out of 1000 people, only three got jobs.
Government job in India is like a dream. Almost every youth starts his career building with the imagination of government job. Only when the parties promise before contesting elections that if the government is formed, then one crore or two crore people will get jobs every year, then the youth also believe in it. But in the end the hope of a government job proves to be a mirage. It turns out that he had spent the best of his life chasing down an illusion and when the illusion broke, he was of no use. The despair and depression that then arises cannot be imagined.
The Central Government has told in the current session of Parliament that in the last eight years, it has given jobs to only 7.22 lakh people. That is, on an average less than one lakh people have got jobs every year. Even more worrying is the fact that 22.05 crore people had applied for government jobs in these eight years. Think, out of 22 crore people, only 7.22 lakh people got jobs. Only 0.33 percent i.e. out of 1000 people who applied, only three people got jobs. Think, where would the rest of the people have gone? Would they have got a job in the private sector or working in MGNREGA or would they have started some self-employment like making pakodas?
The Government of India has given jobs to 7.22 lakh people in the last eight years, out of which 1.47 lakh people got jobs in 2019-20. That is, the year in which the Lok Sabha elections were to be held, the maximum number of jobs were received in that year. Government data shows that after the formation of the new government in 2014-15, there was a decline in government jobs. The election campaign promised two crore jobs every year, but in reality not even one lakh people got jobs every year. When this is the situation of government job then one cannot expect better than this in private sector. From demonetisation to the hasty implementation of GST and the subsequent damage caused by the corona pandemic to the economy, the entire job scenario changed. There is a historical unemployment situation in the country and at the same time there are attempts to spark the agenda of communal division. This can lead to a serious crisis in front of the country.