diagnosis is correct

It is said that the right beginning of the treatment of a disease is when, When it is properly diagnosed. At present, America has done this first thing in the case of China.
America has correctly addressed its foreign policy challenge. He will also be given credit for not hiding his weaknesses in doing so, nor trying to cover up the strengths of his main competitor. He has bluntly said that China has become a big challenge for him. This has been said in the new China policy of the Joe Biden administration. This policy was explained by Foreign Minister Antony Blinken during a speech last week. Blicken clearly said – ‘China is the only country, which has the intention and power to change the current international order. Its power is continuously increasing in the economic, diplomatic, military and technical fields. Underscoring the importance of this challenge, he made it clear that the Ukraine war is only an immediate concern of the United States. That is why even as this war continues, America is focusing its attention on the most serious long-term challenge to the international order, that is, China. So the question is how will America face this challenge.
Blinken gave three sources for this. He said- ‘The Biden administration’s policy towards the world’s most populous country is rooted in these three words: investment, cooperation, and competition.’ This means that the US will increase investment in research and development, further strengthen cooperation with its allies to protect the international order, and through these measures prepare itself to compete with China. This intention is fine. But at this point it must be said that getting this intention on the ground is as challenging as China has now become for America. However, it can be said that America has correctly diagnosed the disease. It has further clarified that the US does not want confrontation or the start of a new Cold War. It does not want to block China’s role as a superpower. America only wants that it does not go backwards with China.