Recruitment process of Agniveers started in Bhopal

Bhopal. The recruitment process of Agniveer soldiers has started at Lal Parade Ground, Motilal Nehru Stadium, Bhopal, capital of Madhya Pradesh. This recruitment process will continue till November 7. In the information made available officially, it has been told that the process of recruitment started with the admission of the candidates who were involved in the recruitment process of Agniveer from 12 o’clock in the night.
From 5 o’clock in the morning, the race for the youth found qualified in the height started, in which the youth raced in batches of 200, after that another verification process of the selected youth was started, all the candidates passed in the ground test were given admit cards for the written examination. Will go As per the information provided today, more than three thousand students were included in the recruitment process. This recruitment process will start after 10 pm every day till November 7 and will be completed by 8 am on that day. (IANS)