Benefits of Cow Milk in Hindi: Do you also like to drink cow’s milk, know the advantages and disadvantages of milk. 1 News Track English

Benefits of Cow Milk in Hindi: Milk is generally considered a good source of nutrition. If we talk about Indian super food, then milk comes first. There is plenty of calcium in milk or milk products. That’s why we all have been drinking milk since childhood to strengthen bones (Haddiyon ko majbt banaye gaay ka dhoodh). This is the reason why a glass of milk is definitely drunk in almost every household in India in the morning for breakfast and before going to bed at night. Especially, children are given cow’s milk. Because it plays an important role in the development of the brain and bones. Today we will give you all the information from the benefits of cow’s milk through this article-
Milk is good for bones pic(social media)
Benefits of Cow’s Milk (Kya Hai Gaay Ke Dhoodh Ke Fayde)
There are countless benefits of cow’s milk (Gaay Ke Dhoodh Ke Fayde), knowing which you will also be surprised. By consuming cow’s milk daily, along with skin diseases like digestive diseases, eye, tuberculosis, cancer, skin diseases can be fought. It is said that cow’s milk is full of nutrients. Newborn babies (Navjaat Bacchon Ke Liye Gaay Ka Dhoodh) are also fed cow’s milk. By the way, Cow Milk For Infant Baby is fed only mother’s milk for 6 months. But if for some reason the child does not get mother’s milk, then cow’s milk is given. Cow’s milk is like nectar. Let us know what are the benefits of cow’s milk-
1- Haddiyon Ko Majbot Banaye Gai Ka Dhoodh (Haddiyon Ko Majbot Banaye Gai Ka Dhoodh)
Cow’s milk can be very helpful in making bones strong. Milk and other dairy products are rich in magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it is considered very good to consume milk for the development of bones. Children, youth as well as adults are advised to drink milk to keep bones strong.
2- Keep the weight under control(Wajan Kam Kare Gai Ka Dhoodh)
People all over the world are troubled by obesity. To get rid of it, people adopt different methods. But have you ever thought of drinking cow’s milk? Let us tell you that cow’s milk is helpful in preventing the increasing weight of youth. Cow’s milk and dairy products made from it are good sources of protein. And protein helps with weight loss. It reduces to a great extent the desire to eat again and again. And cow’s milk is free of fat (Fat Less Cow Milk Benefits).
Milk is considered important for brain development pic(social media)
3- Brain Development(Dimag Tej Kare Gai Ka Dhhodh)
To sharpen the mind, mother has been giving us milk since childhood. Milk is considered important for brain development. The omega-3 fatty acids present in it help in the processes related to the brain of humans. Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in helping our brains function optimally.
4- Cow Milk Improves Mood
Cow’s milk keeps the mood right. To maintain better brain health, milk should be consumed daily. Cow’s milk reduces the risk of memory loss and schizophrenia (a disorder affecting the ability to think and understand).
5- Immunity (Cow Milk Boost Immunity)
Cow’s raw milk contains probiotics i.e. live microorganisms, which increase immunity. According to a study, drinking raw milk strengthens the immune system of children. Cow’s milk helps in the development of children by combating many types of infections. Drinking boiled milk also strengthens the immune system. Cow’s milk protects us from many diseases.
Cow’s milk to shine on your face pic(social media)
6- Cow Milk For Glowing Skin
Applying raw cow’s milk on the face reduces facial scars from blemishes and aging. Drinking cow’s milk daily can also be found to get rid of skin problems.
7- Cow Milk Keep Heart Healthy
Cow’s milk is helpful in keeping your heart healthy (Gaay Ka Dhoodh Dil Ko Rakhe Swasthya). Drinking milk reduces the risk of ischemic stroke (stroke caused by a blood clot). It is also considered helpful in reducing ischemic heart disease. Higher plasma levels of saturated fatty acids present in cow’s milk also reduce the risk of heart disease.
Nutritional Elements of Cow’s Milk (Gaay Ke Dhoodh Ke Paustik Tatva)
It is very important for you to know the benefits of cow’s milk as well as the nutrients present in it. Let us tell you through a table that how many nutrients are found in 100 grams of cow’s milk.
Cow Milk Nutrients and Amounts
–There are 33.3 grams of protein in 100 grams of milk.
–There are 33.3 grams of fat in 100 grams of milk.
–There are 5.42 grams of carbohydrates in 100 grams of milk.
–There are 5.00 grams of sugar in 100 grams of milk.
–There are 125 mg calcium in 100 grams of milk.
–100 grams of milk contains 52 milligrams of sodium.
Now you must have known how important cow’s milk is for health.
Make different types of dishes with milk pic(social media)
use of cow’s milk(How To Use Cow Milk)
You can make cow’s milk a part of your diet in many ways.
–You can drink milk directly after boiling it.
–You can eat milk by making sweets.
–You can also use milk to make curd.
–You can apply raw milk on the face.
–You can make a shake from cow’s milk. Adding some fruits and dry fruits.
–Milk can be shredded and used as cheese.
Disadvantages of Cow’s Milk (Gaay Ke Dhoodh Ke Nuksan))
You already know the benefits and nutrients of cow’s milk. But do you know that drinking cow’s milk can also cause harm.
1- Feeding cow’s milk to babies under 1 year of age may put them at risk for anemia. Because cow’s milk absorbs iron.
2- The protein present in cow’s milk is associated with the risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
3- Cow’s milk also increases the risk of prostate cancer.
Milk Allergy(gaay Ke Dhoodh Se Allergy)
There are some people who don’t shoot everything. People who are allergic to milk should not consume it. People who have lactose intolerance should also not consume cow’s milk.
Cow milk allergy pic(social media)
If these symptoms appear after drinking cow’s milk, then understand that you are allergic to milk.
–blood in stool
–Abdominal pain
–Getting nausea
–stomach enlargement
–skin rash
Note- This news has been prepared on the basis of general information. So, before following these remedies, please consult your doctor.