
Imran was full, broke out against America and heard it honestly…

Islamabad | Imran Khan On America : A lot is happening in Pakistan in recent days, Imran Khan’s power is in danger. In such a situation, when Imran got a chance, he simultaneously vented his anger against America. Referring to the US, he said that he is upset with his visit to Russia but when India bought oil from Moscow, it did nothing. According to the news of a news channel of Pakistan, Imran said the above things while addressing the Islamabad security talks on ARY news channel. During this, he was looking very angry.

India’s foreign policy praised

Imran Khan On America : Imran Khan said that India was an ally of the West, but it is still supporting Russia. Despite the Western sanctions imposed on Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, India is buying its fuel. He said that I have read that India’s foreign policy is independent. It is time for introspection that what is the policy of our country. Mr Khan said that the opposition is saying that Pakistan has angered the US. No country can play its part in resolving conflict between countries unless it is fair.

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Loss of the War on Terrorism

Imran Khan On America : Imran Khan said that apart from playing its role for peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan has also played an important role in reducing conflict between Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The former cricketer said that those who are trying to oust him should understand that no country can protect its people unless its foreign policy is independent. Imran Khan said that Pakistan has done more harm than good for supporting the war on terrorism in Afghanistan.

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