If you plan to go abroad, then link passport with vaccine certificate, step by step process

The corona epidemic has wreaked havoc all over the world, but now gradually the speed of this epidemic is decreasing. The biggest reason for the slowing down of this epidemic is vaccination. Many countries had banned travel due to Corona, but after the arrival of the vaccine and after the pace of the epidemic slowed down, the countries removed these restrictions.
link passport with corona certificate
If you are also planning to travel abroad now, then first immediately link your passport with the vaccine certificate. In fact, many countries of the world have given permission to come here after many conditions since the arrival of the vaccine. At such a time, you too can travel abroad with certain conditions by following the Corona guidelines, if you also want to go abroad in connection with any study or job, then you will also need it. You can link your passport with the Kovid-19 vaccination certificate by visiting the portal of Cowin. Today we will tell you how you can link your passport with the Kovid-19 vaccine certificate.
Procedure to link Vaccination Certificate with Passport
First of all go to the official website of Cowin, cowin.gov.in
Login to it through OTP
Then click on Raise an issue.
Then click on Add Passport details to my vaccination certificate
After that fill the details like name, passport number etc. and submit
After that you click on the button of submit request. Message will come on your registered number
You can then download your passport-linked vaccine certificate from the Kovin app
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