
Idealism for the Speaker to Avoid Criticism

Bhopal, The results which have come in the three-tier Panchayati Raj and urban body elections held so far in the state. After that, a period of criticism has also started. Somewhere in the name of familyism and somewhere on those who got tickets and also on those leaders who could not get victory in the district under their influence. To avoid all this, now the BJP and the Congress Municipal Council are trying to create the maximum ideal situation for choosing the President in the Municipal Corporation. Panchayati Raj Election Results

Actually, the way manipulation and patriotism dominate in politics. Due to this, even after many efforts, such decisions are made in which the common worker feels cheated and the party has to face criticism. The way the news of familism dominates the election of three-tier Panchayati Raj. After that, both the parties have decided that now in the remaining elections, the relatives of the leaders should not reach the post of President at any place. Similarly, at the behest of local leaders, wherever tickets were given and the party faces defeat, now the party will take a decision after sending the in-charges and discussing with the councilors.
However, in the first week of August, the oath of the councilors of all the urban bodies and the election of the President, Vice President and Leader of the Opposition will also be held. For this, both the major parties BJP and Congress are once again sending in-charges to the district.

The ruling party BJP is making arrangements for the MLAs, district presidents, and the relatives of party office bearers not to sit on these posts. The party is busy mobilizing from mandal to state level. The caste equations will also be balanced so that such a president is elected among the councilors and the party can improve its message. Running away from the displeasure of other castes due to the increasing status of the same caste in some districts, the party will now take a decision after deliberation. The party is trying to become its president there too. By marking such areas where its councilors are less, the party is putting strings on the independent councilors or the councilors who have won by rebelling against the party.

BJP in those municipal corporation areas where Congress and AAP party mayoral elections have been won. There the Municipal Corporation President is insisting on making from among experienced councilors so that political balance can be created. In Katni, BJP’s rebel won, Suri can join the BJP anytime and here the party is insisting on making the municipal corporation president also and where BJP mayor wins, the party can also stake caste balance and new faces. Is.

On the other hand, the Congress party is sending observers for the elections, who are clearly being told that they should give importance to the opinion of the councilors so that sebotage does not happen, in the elections of Janpad Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat, the party is likely to lose even in those places. has suffered. Where the majority members were with the party, for example in the capital Bhopal itself, there were seven district panchayat members of the Congress and two were from the BJP, but when the election results came, the BJP President got 6 votes and the Congress President only 4 votes, although the issue here is the Election Commission. I have gone as a complaint and the Congress is also preparing to go to the court because the way the tender votes are cast, the Congress has objections.

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But taking lessons from the election, the Congress Party will give importance to the councilors instead of the MLAs in the Municipal Council, Municipality and Municipal Corporation areas, because in the elections of Janpad Panchayat, District Panchayat, MLAs fielded their loved ones in most places, due to which the party also faced defeat. Had to do The party is also engaged in connecting those councilors with the party who have won the elections by rebelling from the Congress and those who like the independent Congress ideology, in this regard data has been collected from the party’s state headquarters and from the district presidents, district in-charges and in-charges. It has been said that they should personally contact the councilors in their respective areas and field only the unanimous candidate.

Overall, both the major parties BJP and Congress have bitter experience in the election of Janpad Panchayat and District Panchayat President and Vice President. Where due to lapse in decision, it had to face defeat, especially the Congress has suffered a lot. This is the reason that both the parties are now taking the election of the president in the urban body even more seriously and are stepping on a whirlwind where the opinion of the councilors will be given importance rather than the leaders. Panchayati Raj Election Results

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