Home Minister said – Students reading Hanuman Chalisa will not be fined…

Bhopal | MP Hanuman Chalisa Controversy : There is a lot of controversy in the country these days over Hanuman Chalisa. The latest case has come to light from Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. In an educational institution here, the case of students being fined by the management for collectively reciting Hanuman Chalisa was gaining momentum. After the escalation of the matter, now the State Home Minister Dr Narottam Mishra said today that no fine will be charged from the students. Dr Mishra said that in case of reading Hanuman Chalisa, no fine will be charged from those students of private universities. The collector has been ordered for a detailed inquiry into the entire matter.
No fine will be imposed, we’ve informed them (college). If Hanuman Chalisa is not chanted in Hindustan, there where?… We can make students understand…: MP Minister Narottam Mishra on reports of 7 students at VIT Bhopal fined Rs 5000 for chanting Hanuman Chalisa pic.twitter.com/q48GSnqEke
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) July 8, 2022
If not in India, then where will you study?
MP Hanuman Chalisa Controversy : The Home Minister also said that if you do not read Hanuman Chalisa in India, then where else will you read it. However, he also said that this topic is not the same as it is being presented. There was some noise when students read Hanuman Chalisa, due to which other children and their parents got calls and due to this they were fined. However, as is happening in the country these days, the matter is shown to be something else and something else goes. This is also understood to be a similar case.
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The issue is not what’s being presented. Other students had due to the noise after Hanuman Chalisa was chanted ( 7 students). I have ordered the Collector to probe it: Narottam Mishra on reports of 7 students at VIT-Bhopal fined Rs 5000 for chanting Hanuman Chalisa pic.twitter.com/qyeV12iB1L
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) July 8, 2022
The students did group lessons…
MP Hanuman Chalisa Controversy : In a private educational institution located near Bhopal, some students had collectively recited Hanuman Chalisa in the past. Some other students had complained about this to the management. On which the management imposed a fine of five thousand rupees on the students. Home Minister Dr. Mishra was reacting to this when this matter came to the media today. The Home Minister said that we have asked the institute to withdraw the order to collect the fine.
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