Half incomplete plan: Who is the real guide of Agneepath?

Bhopal, Don’t know why, for the last eight and a half years, the central government’s schemes are causing discussion and discontent in the country, whether it is demonetisation, talaq, abolition of Article 370 or whether it is the existing Agneepath scheme, every scheme has created controversy in the country. left an impression. It is not at all that the Central Government is presently presenting public-friendly schemes, even before that the schemes came to the notice of the Central Governments, dissatisfaction was also expressed, but at the present time the situation has not reached or even reached till the violent agitations and fires of the country. A recently released survey report revealed that the country suffered a loss of $ 646 billion due to CAA, farmers, Nupur dispute and Agneepath violence and disturbances.
The central government announced this Agneepath scheme a week ago, first of all, no one understood why the name of this scheme related to the security of the country was associated with ‘Agni’, is there recruitment in the army today? Agneepath’, then the central government probably released it in haste without a full discussion on the plan and now when this plan has come under the purview of agitation, struggle, violence and discontent and the national wealth in the whole country is being engulfed in fire. Then the government is trying to add a new ‘attraction’ to this scheme, like the recruited Agniveers will get the same facilities of leave, salary allowances etc. Couldn’t all this have been made clear at the time of announcement of the plan?
Then the biggest discrepancy of this scheme is that the youth of the country will be given jobs as ‘Agniveers’ for only four years and after four years only twenty five percent of the total Agniveers will be placed on regular jobs, remaining seventy five percent Agniveers unemployed. Will be Now the question arises here that the prescribed age for the recruitment of Agniveers has been kept from 18 to 23 years, suppose if a young man of 18 years or say a 23-year-old becomes Agniveer, then he retires from the army at the age of 22 or 27 years. After that, what will he do? The government says, they will be given preference in the police, home guard or other security service of the state government, so is there so many posts in the police or other military force of any state, in which these firefighters can be recruited and given employment?
Does this simply mean that the Agniveers will be forced to wander for the rest of their lives after four years of military service? Due to the great failures of all these central plans, today India is forced to stand at 135th place in the list of 163 countries in the Global Peace Index and 6 percent of our GDP has been burnt to ashes in the fire of violence.
The Modi government had presented this half-hearted scheme perhaps to make the youth vote of the country in its favor, because the biggest problem of today’s young generation is unemployment, the government may have thought about this scheme presented by giving employment. Hastily not noticed those aspects of it, about which there is a ruckus in the country today? If at the time of the disclosure of this plan, solutions to the apprehensive points were also presented in it, which are being presented now, then the country would not have to suffer a loss of seven hundred billion dollars? The learned politicians of the Center did not pay attention to all the policy reforms that were necessary in this plan, then the government did not even pay attention to the alleged injustice being done to the selected soldiers in the period from 2019 to 2021, which is being done by the younger generation of the country today. Giving the wrong message?
In this way overall the government has made this Agneepath scheme a ‘river of fire’ and now Agniveers are being told that ‘I have to drown in it’. At the same time, the biggest and most important thing is that since the government has made this controversial scheme a question of prestige, it is not even ready to withdraw it like the farmer scheme and politics is entering it day by day, which Will also take this scheme to the place where the old schemes are becoming beautiful. Then the biggest concern is that from the Prime Minister to the Defense Minister, no one has any concern about the future of the country associated with this scheme.