Guru Nanak of the people of Punjab and Sindh

Most scholars consider Kartik Purnima to be the birthday of Nanak. And this date is also prevalent. His father’s name was Lala Kalyan Rai (Mehta Kaluchand Khatri) and mother’s name was Tripta Devi. Kalu Chand Khatri was a farmer and village accountant. These are Nanak, Nanak Dev Ji, He is addressed by names like Baba Nanak and Nanakshah etc. Nanak has been called the prophet of Punjab and Sindh.
Nanak’s death anniversary on 20 September 2022
Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism and the first Guru of Sikhs (Karthik Purnima, Vikram Samvat 1527, 1469 AD – Ashwin Krishna 10, the owner of the divine personality consisting of the qualities of philosopher, yogi, householder, religion and social reformer, poet, patriot and Vishwabandhu etc. Samvat 1597 accordingly 22 September 1539) was born in a Khatri (Kshatriya) clan on Kartik Purnima, Vikram Samvat 1527 accordingly 1469 in a place called Talwandi (present-day Pakistan) of Lahore district situated on the banks of Ravi river in Punjab province. Some scholars consider his date of birth as April 15, 1469. But most scholars consider Kartik Purnima as the birthday of Nanak, and this date is also prevalent. His father’s name was Lala Kalyan Rai (Mehta Kaluchand Khatri) and mother’s name was Tripta Devi. Kalu Chand Khatri was a farmer and village accountant. He is addressed by names like Nanak, Nanak Dev Ji, Baba Nanak and Nanakshah etc. Nanak has been called the prophet of Punjab and Sindh. Due to the immense fame of Nanak, born in Talwandi, the name of Talwandi was later changed to Nankana in the name of Nanak.
From childhood, the signs of being a master of sharp intellect were visible in Nanak, but as soon as he stepped into adolescence, he became indifferent to worldly matters. He did not put his mind in studies and writing, and at the time of study, always used to ask questions to the teachers regarding the attainment of God. Once in front of his questions related to attainment of God, his teacher finally gave up and came to drop him home respectfully. Due to which, at the age of seven-eight, he broke his relationship with the school. After leaving school, most of his time was spent in spiritual contemplation and satsang. In his childhood, many such miraculous incidents happened with him, seeing that the people of the village considered him as the lord of divine personality and started loving him very much. Among them, his elder sister Nanaki and village ruler Rai Bular were at the forefront. It is said that once upon seeing the sight of a snake casting shadow on Nanak’s head, Rai Bular bowed before him.
Nanak’s only sister’s name was Nanaki, who was five years older than him. When Nanaki got married in 1475 AD, she went to Sultanpur. Nanak loved his sister very much, and Nanaki also showered affection, love and affection on her, so Nanak also went to Sultanpur with his sister and spent most of his childhood with his elder sister Bebe Nanaki. Nanak started the job of Modi through brother-in-law Jairam to look after the royal store at the Nawab of Sultanpur Lodhi (Kapurthala), Daulat Khan Lodhi. The Nawab was greatly influenced by the young Nanak. It was here that later Nanak realized his duty, his destination through your word. At the age of sixteen, he was married on the 24th eldest of Samvat 1544 to Sulakkhani, the daughter of Moola, a resident of Lakhauki in Gurdaspur district. At the age of 32, he got the first son Ratna, whom he named Srichand. Four years later, their second son Lakhmi Das was born. By now Sultanpur Lodhi had become his home and it was here that both his sons Baba Srichand and Baba Laxmidas were born. But due to some hostile conspiracy, Nawab Daulat Khan Lodhi sent Nanak to jail in the apprehension of irregularities in the accounts. Later, when the Nawab realized his mistake, he not only apologized to Nanak but also offered to make him the Prime Minister, but Guru Nanak rejected this offer.
Nanak used to go to a nearby river to bathe and meditate regularly in Sultanpur. One day he went there and was sitting on the bank of the river with his friend Mardana, then suddenly he took a dip in the river and disappeared for three days. Everyone was thinking him to be drowned, but when he came back after three days after interviewing God, he returned as an unusual human being and gave a great message called Omkar Satinam to this world, which today has become a big tree. Is. After this incident, in 1507 AD, Nanak left for the pilgrimage with four companions named Mardana, Lahna, Bala and Ramdas, handing over the care of his family to his father-in-law. They roamed around and started preaching. He undertook four spiritual journeys majorly across the subcontinent to spread this divine message to the whole world – Ek Omkar Satnam.
Nanak roamed from place to place, arguing with Pandits and Muslim priests. He argued with the pandas of Gaya, Haridwar and other pilgrimage sites. He spent about 24 years of his life in these journeys and traveled about 28,000 km on foot. By 1521 he had visited the main places of India, Afghanistan, Persia and Arabia. These journeys are called Udasiyas in Punjabi. Among his sons, Srichand later became the founder of the Udasi sect. Guru Nanak Dev became the founder of the religion and the first Guru of the Sikhs by establishing a new religion, Sikhism. Through his teachings he established the three pillars of the new religion i.e. Sikhism – Naam Japna, Kirat Karani and Vand Chakna. People of all religions respect him and his teachings because of his teachings and way of devotion which is different from others.
Nanak was a pantheist. In contrast to the practice of polytheistic idolatry prevailing in the then society, he gave humanity a separate path of worship of one God. His work was in a way the restoration of Vedic religion, keeping in mind the damage caused to the society by abandoning the monotheistic Vedic religion and adopting the polytheistic worship system. He did many works on the political, religious and social conditions along with the reformation of the then Hindu religion. In saint literature, Nanak is in the category of saints who have given nobility to women. In Hindi literature, Guru Nanak is considered to be a poet belonging to the Gyanshrayi branch of the Nirgun stream during the Bhakti period. Complete with devotion, the collection of hymns sung by him has been made in Granth Sahib (Samvat 1661). Nanak was a poet of discrimination. He was also a good Sufi poet. The expression made by him by being united with nature with a passionate and tender heart is wonderful and unique. Their language was Bahata Neer, which included words from Persian, Multani, Punjabi, Sindhi, Khari Boli, Arabic.
The 974 words (in 19 ragas) included in the Guru Granth Sahib are included in Gurbani. The main compositions of Guru Nanak are Nirbair, Akal Murti, Ajuni, Saibham Gur Prasadi. In the last days of his life, his fame increased a lot and his thoughts also changed. Engaged in the service of humanity himself, started living life with his family class. He established a town called Kartarpur, and built a large Dharamshala in what is now Pakistan. In the end, Guru Nanak appointed his disciple Bhai Lahna as the successor Guru, and renamed him Guru Angad. Which means – one’s own or part of you. In Gurdaspur itself, Ashwin Krishna 10, Samvat 1597 Accordingly, on 22 September 1539 AD, at the age of 70, he lived in the afterworld. But his body could never be found.